A hul i metal is a large, powerful machine by STON used to transform flat sheets of metal into parts that are more useful. Consider a sheet of paper, transforming it into a sculpture in 3D. Which is kind of like what a sheetmetal press does but with metal instead of paper! The way it works is, you push really hard on the metal sheet to force it in a mold (a thing that has the shape or outline of the metal). The machine can also bend, cut or change the shape of the metal in different forms through this process. Once the metal has been configured, it can then be utilized to create numerous different end products. This style of sheetmetal pressing is extremely significant for making a great number of things we use day by day like cars and kitchen equipment.
These machines are operated by people who can make angles and curves very exact. They can cut right through metal, like a hole in one. In fact, this is crucial, as it contributes to the light weight of the end product and better functionality. This allows for the fabrication of a wide variety of complex parts with high precision and speed. Specifically, this means that STON businesses can create larger quantities of units in a shorter period of time for less cost. Having the capacity to create metallic frameworks comprised of a couple of level sheets brings you greater adaptability and prompts a simpler customisation procedure. Which allows us to build precisely what is required for various projects. From bespoke machine part to a giant metal punch machine for the building, the sheetmetal press enable everything.
With technology advancing day after day, fresh and innovative ways of utilising hulmaskine presses are coming into play. One of the most exciting such new booming technique, is laser cutting. Using lasers, it enables the indirect printing of very fine structures that were previously difficult to create. This raises the possibility of design and motion by STON.
One more new method being used is Hydroforming. When it takes place, high-pressure water is used to automatisk foldemaskine over specific matrices. With Hydroforming, you can achieve very complex and delicate shapes that other traditional manners cannot process. That provides designers and manufacturing with approaches to developing more unique products.
But in the case of sheetmetal pressing, so many of these steps happen in a single press, and process. Means less work required, and less material is wasted. High-speed and high precision is what modern machines tend to be run. Not only does it speed up the work process but also aids in lowering wastage and is thus, environment-friendly.
STON anvender en række metoder til at kontrollere kvaliteten gennem hele fremstillingsprocessen. De omfatter inspektioner af materiale og test i processen samt den endelige verifikation af produkter. Vi sørger for, at hver vare lever op til internationale standarder for kvalitet og gennemgår strenge tests inden levering. Ydermere tilbyder vi skræddersyede løsninger baseret på vores kunders særlige krav for at hjælpe dem med at øge produktionseffektiviteten og reducere driftsomkostningerne.
STON is a world-class CNC machinery enterprise and a certified management enterprise. It was the first company to obtain the ISO 9001-2000 international certification for quality systems. The company has been granted the titles of Shandong SRDI Enterprise, and Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Additionally, it has 100+ patent-pending technologies. It is a trusted brand in more than 80 countries, our products are known for their precision, durability and unbeatable quality, setting the bar in the market.
STON lægger vægt på F&U-investeringer og forbliver på forkant med teknologien i industrien. Vi har et R&D-team på mere end 20 personer. Vi investerer 30 % af vores omsætning hvert år i udvikling af nye produkter og opgradering af eksisterende. Gennem partnerskaber med forskningsinstitutter og universiteter Vi fortsætter med at udvide vores teknologibaserede horisont, så vi er i stand til at reagere hurtigt på ændringer i markedsforhold såvel som kundernes krav.
Hvis der er fejl, ankommer vores teknikere hurtigt på stedet for at reparere det eksternt via telefon eller video. Hvis problemet skal repareres på stedet, vil vi være på stedet for kunden på kortest mulig tid.