I spent hours folding laundry, never gone anywhere. Can you believe how much of a drag it is, though? After wanting to fold a big pile of clothes, you can also be bored and tired. Well, STON has the perfect solution that you need. We have a delighted to announce our newest product named “STON Automatic Folding Machine. This all-in-one is here to make your life simpler. You can fold your laundry within minutes using this machine, also the STON's product such as sheet metal punching machine. You will not have to work hard, and you can spend your time doing other nice things.
Is a massive pile of laundry that uncomfortably grows each and every single day getting on your nerves? So many clothes you have to deal with, frustrating. But guess what? STON keeping things real and by launching automatic folding machine, you just have to sit back and relax. It is a special machine meant to make your laundry process as easy as possible, yeah all it takes is just one button.
With STON’s automatic folding machine, say goodbye to spending time on manually folding clothes. Simply put your garment on the machine, push a button, and then stand back and watch as the magic happens. The machine can fold the way that a professional would do it. It is simple enough for even a 6-year-old to use, and the results will amaze you.
If you have better things to do than spend your whole day folding laundry then the simple answer is: Buy yourself a foldable dryer, the same as foldemaskine made by STON. Just imagine all the great things you can do with that time you save from folding clothes. You can spend time with your family and play some games or go for a fun day trip to the park or beach.
The small and compact feature is one of the best things about this machine, just like the STON's product called metal stansemaskine. This means it does not occupy a large space in the home. So when you are not using it, just store in a closet or a corner without hassle. On top of this, you are also able to bring your folding machine with you wherever — literally. Imagine taking it when you went on holiday — how awesome would that be? You could return from your trip with all of your clothes folded and ready to wear, resulting in an infinitely easier unpacking situation.
For a lot of people, folding laundry is a pain. However, it takes lots of time and sometimes seems lethargic. However, STON has its own automatic folding machine so you can skip the headache, the same as foldemaskine created by STON. Doing laundry has never been made easier than with this machine. Your clothes will come out of the machine wrinkle-free, meaning you no longer have to worry about wrinkled shirts or pants.
Never fold clothes ever again. Free your laundry with the STON automatic folding machine, as well as the STON's sheet metal punching machine. Today we are going to provide you with some useful tips that will ensure you get the advantages of an automatic machine right in your home. No more stressing about whether or not you will get all of your laundry done; just ease into a more enjoyable and easier laundry experience.
STON lægger vægt på F&U-investeringer og er altid på toppen af teknologiske fremskridt i branchen. Det har et R&D-team på mere end 20 personer. Hvert år investerer vi 30 % af vores omsætning i udviklingen af nye produkter samt opgraderingen af vores eksisterende produkter. Vi fortsætter med at udvide vores teknologiske horisont gennem samarbejde med universiteter og andre forskningsinstitutioner for hurtigt at reagere på ændringer i markedet og kundernes krav.
If there's failure, our technicians will arrive on the scene immediately to repair it remotely via video or telephone. If the problem must be fixed on site and we'll be at the user's site in the shortest amount of time.
STON er en global CNC maskinvirksomhed og certificeret administrationsvirksomhed. Det var den første virksomhed, der modtog ISO 9001-2000 international certificering for kvalitetsstyringssystemer. Virksomheden er blevet tildelt titlerne Shandong SRDI Enterprise og Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Det har også mere end 100 patentanmeldte teknologier. I brug i over 80 lande er vores produkter anerkendt for deres uovertrufne præcision, pålidelighed og enestående håndværk. Vi sætter standarden på markedet.
STON bruger flere kvalitetskontrolmetoder gennem hele produktionsprocessen. Disse omfatter inspektioner af materialer og test i processen sammen med slutproduktinspektion. STON sikrer, at hvert stykke udstyr er testet til internationale standarder og er i overensstemmelse med dem.