The STON press brakes make it easier to work with metals since it bends and shapes the metal accurately. We have affordable options for experienced craftsmen and beginners alike, so you'll surely find the right machine to enhance your shop's efficiency and project outcomes.
naše auto folding machine inventory is constantly updated with the latest press brake technology. We built our machines with special controls to bend metal more accurately and quickly. This also means that you can form the shapes, you need without any wastage of your time. You may expect to finish your projects quicker than ever before, stiskalnica with faster cycle times and higher precision. Just think, faster completion of your work and a spare time for more.
Press Brakes: Bending & Shaping Metal Made Simple Our press brakes can make bending and shaping metal simple. These robust machines offer the ability to process a wide variety of materials including stainless steel, aluminum and copper. Whatever type of metal you are working with, our press brakes will assist. All this, and machines in various sizes to fit any project, whether sizeable or small-scale. By doing, you can select a press brake that is ideal for your shop.
Realizing that each of us got unique needs and budgets. And this is why you have different kinds of press brakes to choose from when looking for a new one. We have smaller manual press brakes which are well suited for simple jobs, and larger hydraulic press brakes that can tackle much more complex tasks. The different types of press brakes come with their own properties and benefits. Whether you own a small business or are employed by a large organization, our press brakes will enable your success and make work easier.
We manufacture Press Brakes with emphasis on quality and precision. Our machines are produced using only the highest quality materials and processes to ensure a long-term durable product. Investing in one of our press brakes ensures you purchase a trusted tool that will last for years to come. And our experts are always available for your questions regarding the machine. We want to make you feel good about the equipment that we build.
STON vztraja pri vlaganju v raziskave in razvoj ter ostaja na vrhu tehnološkega napredka v industriji. Ima skupino za raziskave in razvoj, ki jo sestavlja več kot 20 posameznikov. Vsako leto vložimo 30 odstotkov prihodkov v razvoj novih izdelkov ter nadgradnjo obstoječih izdelkov. Svoja tehnološka obzorja nenehno širimo s sodelovanjem z univerzami in drugimi raziskovalnimi institucijami, da se hitro odzivamo na spremembe na trgu in zahteve potrošnikov.
STON je podjetje svetovnega razreda za CNC stroje in certificirano upravljavsko podjetje. Kot prvo podjetje na svetu je prejelo mednarodni certifikat ISO 9001-2000 za sisteme vodenja kakovosti. Podjetje je prejelo tudi nazive Shandong SRDI Enterprise in Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Podjetje je imetnik več kot 100 patentov. Naši izdelki, ki jih podpira več kot 80 držav, so prepoznavni po svoji natančnosti, zanesljivosti in izjemni izdelavi. So standardi na trgu.
Če pride do okvare, bodo naši tehniki hitro prišli na kraj in jo popravili na daljavo po telefonu ali videu. Če je treba težavo rešiti na kraju samem, bomo na lokacijo uporabnika prispeli v najkrajšem možnem času.
STON uporablja več metod nadzora kakovosti v celotnem proizvodnem procesu. Ti vključujejo preglede materialov in testiranja v procesu skupaj s pregledom končnega izdelka. STON zagotavlja, da je vsak kos opreme preizkušen po mednarodnih standardih in je v skladu z njimi.