At STON, we make awesome tools for getting your work done with metal. If you want to fold metal easily and perfectly choose our zlaganje pločevine. Perfect for the seasoned professional, a hobbyist or all those at the beginning of their metal working journey. It’ll do all your folding work easier and quicker.
Our machine is equipped with a special system that enables it to fold sheets of various thicknesses quickly and easily. You can rely on this to do the trick every time convenient. This machine means you won’t have to worry about making mistakes. It also has a simple screen that allows you to manage how much to fold, and at what speed you want to do so. That means you can tailor it to your exact requirements.
Want to improve your metalworking and make it more efficient? We have the perfect solution for you with our high quality stroj za zlaganje pločevine! STON’s device is here to revolutionize the way you work with metal, and it hopes to make it so much more fun. It implements new technology that will help you create impeccable folds that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
A motor powers the machine, assisting with fast, low-effort folding of metal sheets. So you can conserve energy for the rest of your metal project so you can spend your time doing what you love! On top of that, it’s very easy to use, so you won’t waste too much time trying to understand it. You also don’t have to spend a lot of time tending to it, so you can return to your projects faster.
Want to work on metal more quickly and accurately? It’s the ultimate solution: STON metal folding machine. With its smart technology and user-friendly controls, you’ll be able to complete your metal projects faster and more easily. You’re going to be so surprised at how much easier your work can be!
The machine is supposed to assist you to ensure that your folds and curves are exactly how they should be. For any metal project, you can count on its ability to deliver consistent results. Moreover, the metal folder does not require as much manual effort from you so you will not be as fatigued while you are working. Tools that allow you to focus meaningfully on your craft.
Whether you have experience in metalwork or not, this metal folding machine is designed for you. It’s easy to use, whether you’re a pro with a lot of experience or a novice. The machine is straightforward, and you can easily adjust the angle and speed of the folds. It won’t be overwhelming or confusing to use.
Ko gre za zagon namestitve opreme, nastavitev ali celo nujna popravila, se STON hitro odzove in tako zagotovi nemoteno proizvodnjo. Trajanje garancije je eno leto z datumom, ko oprema začne delovati. Izkoristili boste lahko tudi ugodnosti vzdrževanja, ki so ugodnejše po poteku garancijskega obdobja. V primeru okvare bo naša ekipa nemudoma na voljo, da odpravi težavo na daljavo prek telefona ali videa. V kolikor bo potrebno popravilo na lokaciji, bomo čim prej na lokaciji.
STON je podjetje svetovnega razreda za CNC stroje in certificirano upravljavsko podjetje. Kot prvo podjetje na svetu je prejelo mednarodni certifikat ISO 9001-2000 za sisteme vodenja kakovosti. Podjetje je prejelo tudi nazive Shandong SRDI Enterprise in Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Podjetje je imetnik več kot 100 patentov. Naši izdelki, ki jih podpira več kot 80 držav, so prepoznavni po svoji natančnosti, zanesljivosti in izjemni izdelavi. So standardi na trgu.
STON uporablja različne metode za nadzor kakovosti v celotnem proizvodnem procesu. Ti vključujejo preglede materialov in testiranje v procesu skupaj s preverjanjem končnega izdelka. Zagotavljamo, da vsak izdelek ustreza mednarodnim standardom kakovosti in opravi stroge teste pred dostavo. Poleg tega nudimo prilagojene rešitve glede na zahteve vsake stranke, da ji pomagamo povečati učinkovitost proizvodnje in zmanjšati operativne stroške.
STON daje velik poudarek naložbam v raziskave in razvoj in je vedno v ospredju tehnologije v industriji. Imamo skupino za raziskave in razvoj, ki šteje več kot 20 ljudi. Vsako leto vložimo 30 % svojih prihodkov v razvoj novih izdelkov in nadgradnjo obstoječih. S sodelovanjem z raziskavami in univerzami še naprej širimo svoje tehnološke zmogljivosti, da se lahko hitro odzivamo na spremembe trga in potrebe strank.