Have you ever noticed how the toys you play, the cars you see on the street and the phones that people use are being made? There are machines that help workers make all of this, and one of the coolest machines is a laser cutter.
Laser Cutter Definition: A laser cutter is a type of machine that has some powerful and special light which passes through a particular material and cuts it. Just like scissors cut through paper, they can go right through metal, wood and plastic! But this is not just any light “ it’s a special type of laser beam that can be directed exactly where a computer tells it to go.
How does this work? A computer inside of the laser cutter relays data to the light beam. This machine can make shapes that are neatly perfect, and absolutely accurate. It is far easier and quicker to create things without requiring human beings to cut things by hand.
There are many different places that use laser cutters. They are used in a variety of industries, from factories to construction sites to medical equipment, and even in car manufacturing in the production of vital car parts such as gears that make a car move and body parts that keep it intact. Where they build phones and computers, they help end up making tiny parts so small you can barely see them with your eyeballs!
Laser cutters are very much beloved and well-thought-of in factories, as they improve the products and enable them to be quicker. With these machines, they can produce more in less time. That means some of the things we purchase go for less money sometimes. The cuts are so precise that almost no waste results, and the products that are made are of very high quality.
Lasercutter this is something people keep thinking about better ways to implement. They want to turn machines into more than machines and make them much faster at the same time. For example, some companies, such as STON, are laboring to produce the finest laser cutters known to humankind.
Laser cutters are being used to make the things we use every day, in ways that are new and exciting. From the toys we play with to the phones we use, these wondrous machines are transforming the way things are made. Imagine you have a robot that is trained to cut things perfectly—and you have made its intelligence super high!
STON は、生産プロセス全体にわたって複数の方法を使用して品質を管理しています。これには、材料の検査、プロセス中のテスト、および最終製品のテストが含まれます。当社は、各機器が国際品質基準に準拠し、出荷前に厳しいテストに合格することを保証します。さらに、お客様のニーズに合わせてカスタム ソリューションも提供し、運用コストを削減しながら生産効率を向上させるお手伝いをします。
STON は研究開発投資を重視しており、常に市場における技術の進歩に遅れを取らないようにしています。STON には 20 名以上の従業員を擁する研究開発チームがあります。毎年、収益の 30% を新製品の開発と既存製品の近代化に投資しています。市場の変化や顧客の要求に迅速に対応できるよう、研究大学やその他の機関との連携を通じて技術力を継続的に拡大しています。
STON は世界クラスの CNC 機械会社であり、認定管理企業です。品質管理システムの国際認証 ISO 9001-2000 を取得した世界初の企業です。また、山東 SRDI 企業、山東ガゼル企業の称号も授与されています。100 件を超える特許を保有しています。当社の製品は 80 か国以上で支持されており、その精度、信頼性、卓越した職人技が認められています。これらは市場の標準です。