Have you ever contributed to the cutting of a piece of metal? It’s fascinating to watch the machine do its thing; it works fast and cuts clean. So cutting metal is an essential skill used in many occupations. We use it in many places, such as when we are making cars, buildings, and countless other things that we see every day. It is more than just making the cuts; it is about making the perfect cuts and making them safely.
Metal cutting refers to the process of changing flat sheets of metal into a variety of shapes and sizes. Machines that can cut metal include lasers, high speed cutters, and shears. The most common method of cutting metal among these is shearing. For shearing, two very strong sharp blades are used in a machine. These blades apply great pressure on the metal sheets and slice through them. It helps make clean, exact cuts, which is something that is really useful for the task at hand.
Check the metal sheet – Always put check whether the metal sheet is flat before cutting the sheet. If the metal is not flat, it can warp when the cutting process occurs which can cause the cuts to not be straight and result in errors. The flat surface guarantees a straight cut.
Select the right tool — Not all cutting machines work well with every metal thickness. For instance, metal thickness requires machine strength. Choosing the right machine for your metal’s thickness is essential to get the best possible cut.
To cut metal well is to be both accurate and rapid. Precision is key, because you want to be sure to make the cuts just so. When you cut incorrectly, you may end up wasting material, which can add up to a lot of money. Speed is also a factor because you want to get the job done as quickly as possible. But you should never be hasty and get things wrong, since corners cut will often equal poor results that add to your costs.
Check Safety features - Ensure that the cutting machine contains safety features, such as emergency stops and guards around the blades. These add-ons can keep accidents at bay and make the whole cutting process significantly safer for those involved.
STON — a metal cutting tool manufacturer. They know how to make very safe and efficient cutting machines. The machines they manufacture are technologically advanced, allowing them to perform well. Post-translation Quality Rules: STON keeps and follows strict quality rules to ensure that their products are of the highest quality. Whether you need to make an intricate cut in your household or large-scale metalworking at a factory, STON tools are up to the task!
STON menekankan investasi R&D dan terus mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dalam industri ini. Tim R&D-nya terdiri dari lebih dari 20 orang. Setiap tahun, kami menginvestasikan 30 persen dari pendapatan kami untuk pengembangan produk baru serta peningkatan produk yang sudah ada. Kami terus memperluas cakrawala teknologi kami melalui kerja sama dengan universitas dan lembaga penelitian lainnya untuk merespons perubahan pasar dan permintaan konsumen dengan cepat.
Jika terjadi masalah, para ahli kami akan segera datang ke lokasi untuk memperbaikinya dari jarak jauh, baik melalui telepon maupun video. Kami akan berada di lokasi sesegera mungkin saat masalah perlu diperbaiki di lokasi.
STON menggunakan berbagai metode pengendalian mutu di seluruh proses produksi. Ini termasuk pemeriksaan material dan pengujian selama proses serta verifikasi akhir produk. Kami memastikan bahwa setiap produk memenuhi standar mutu internasional dan lulus uji ketat sebelum pengiriman. Selain itu, kami menyediakan solusi khusus sesuai dengan kebutuhan setiap pelanggan untuk membantu mereka meningkatkan efisiensi produksi sekaligus mengurangi biaya operasional.
STON adalah produsen mesin CNC internasional dan Perusahaan Manajemen yang telah disetujui. Perusahaan ini adalah yang pertama memperoleh sertifikasi internasional ISO 9001-2000 untuk sistem mutu. Perusahaan ini juga telah diberi gelar Shandong SRDI Enterprise, dan Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Perusahaan ini memiliki lebih dari 100 paten. Diandalkan oleh lebih dari 80 negara, produk kami terkenal karena presisi, daya tahan, dan pengerjaan yang tak tertandingi, sehingga menjadi tolok ukur di pasar.