Do you have a factory where you grew up, and have you seen machinery that makes some metallic things? They are called rei'ityskonees. They are very powerful tools: They can cut, shape and build a variety of products that we use all the time, including cars, appliances, and even toys. Well without these machines, it would take much longer and be much, much more difficult to make metal items!
With a mechanical punch press, once you press the button, it goes to work immediately. First, a big motor pushes a big metal piece (a blank) into a special tool (called a die). A die is use to stamp shapes into the metal. Then a more grizzly tool called a punch comes crashing down quickly, cutting that metal out to whatever exact shape is needed.” The punch retrieves once it compacts its material and the press ejects a finished shape, and it is ready to be used or shipped to the store.
It is fast and effective process in this part. It lets factories manufacture thousands of items in a brief period. Just think of the number of metal parts produced every single day! Which is why metallinen reikäes are so critical — it helps factories keep up with the high demands of churning out products for the entire world.
Many factories around the world depend on mechanical punch presses. They're fast, and help generate a large number of products quickly and accurately. Punch presses come in various types and can manufacture items of different shapes and dimensions. For example, they can produce small washers that fit inside machines, or large components used in cars. Thanks to these machines, countless diverse products can be created well without wasting time and resources.
Prior to the mechanical punch press, metal products were made by hand. It required years of training and I suppose a certain amount of skill and diligence. Workers would spend hours laboriously shaping and cutting the metal. However, the use of mechanical punch presses allowed factories to create items much more quickly and efficiently. Its introduction helped to make products less expensive and more available to a vast number of people everywhere in the world so that everyone was able to reap the benefits of modern manufacturing.
Mechanical punch presses are ubiquitous and used in a wide variety of places and industries. You’ll catch them in factories that manufacture metal products, including cars, appliances and even furniture. They also play a vital role in the construction of building, bridges and other structures, where they are used to manufacture component parts.
MT, we manufacture our own high-quality and reliable mechanical punch press. Our punch presses are precision-engineered with quality components for long-term, heavy-duty use. We provide models suitable for different types of metal-working requirements ensuring there is one punch press model that will best suit the duties of the factory.
STON käyttää useita laadunvalvontamenetelmiä koko tuotantoprosessin ajan. Näitä ovat materiaalitarkastukset ja prosessin testaus sekä lopputuotteen tarkastus. STON varmistaa, että jokainen laite testataan kansainvälisten standardien mukaisesti ja on niiden mukainen.
Vian sattuessa teknikkomme ovat nopeasti paikalla ja korjaavat sen etänä puhelimitse tai videolla. Jos ongelma on ratkaistava paikan päällä, saavumme käyttäjän paikalle mahdollisimman lyhyessä ajassa.
STON painottaa voimakkaasti T&K-investointeja ja on aina alan teknologian eturintamassa. Meillä on yli 20 hengen T&K-tiimi. Investoimme 30 % liikevaihdostamme vuosittain uusien tuotteiden kehittämiseen sekä olemassa olevien tuotteiden päivittämiseen. Yhteistyöllämme tutkimuksen ja yliopistojen kanssa jatkamme teknologisen osaamisemme laajentamista, jotta voimme reagoida nopeasti markkinoiden muutoksiin ja asiakkaiden tarpeisiin.
STON on maailmanluokan CNC-koneyritys ja sertifioitu hallintayritys. Se oli ensimmäinen yritys, joka sai kansainvälisen ISO 9001-2000 -sertifikaatin laatujärjestelmille. Yritykselle on myönnetty Shandong SRDI Enterprise- ja Shandong Gazelle Enterprise -nimikkeet. Lisäksi siinä on yli 100 patentoitavaa teknologiaa. Se on luotettu tuotemerkki yli 80 maassa, tuotteemme ovat tunnettuja tarkkuudestaan, kestävyydestään ja lyömättömästä laadustaan, mikä asettaa riman markkinoilla.