A mekaaninen lävistyspuristin is a machine that are used to bend plate material and can be used to shape metals. They are essential to many industries, including automotive manufacturing, aircraft production and construction. STON is a well-known company which manufactures mechanical press brakes with high precision and customizable features. In this article, we will be looking at how a mechanical press brake works, how it bends metal accurately, its configurable features, benefits and disadvantages, and how to work safely around it.
There are some main components of a mechanical press brake. It uses parts such as a frame, a ram, a bed, and a hydraulic system. First up is the frame. The frame is the stout foundation of the machine. That keeps everything together and is the muscle behind the machine. Then the ram which is the moving up and down part. The metal plate is bent in by the ram. The bed is the part where the metal plate sits against while the bending occurs. C_instr, on the other hand, is the device that supports and secures the metal plate during the process. Lastly, we have the hydraulic system. It's this system that provides the ability to curve the metal plate by pushing the ram downwards on it.
The ability of STON's rei'ityskones to bend metal with incredible precision is a real stand out feature. It’s known as precision bending. They are also designed so the ram and bed are adjustable. This means that they can create bending of the metal plates according to desired angles and sizes for different projects. The adjusters all operate via digital controls that enable the operator to tune the machine exactly to the measurements required. This ensures the bends are accurate and can be repeated consistently every time. In addition, STON's machines have a high capacity, thus they can support large metal plates which are several feet long and thick. It makes them very effective for a wide variety of tasks.
Customizable features are another great aspect of STON's mechanical press brakes. This means that the machines can be fitted with additional tools and attachments to customize them to specific needs. For instance, they can be equipped with laser guides, which help to keep the metal in line before it is bent. A back gauge can also be added to track how far the metal has been shifted, but safety guards are crucial as well to protect the operator from mistakes. These extra pieces of kit ensure that the bending process is as efficient and a far safer practice. In addition, the digital controls of the machine can be configured to memorize specific bending sequences and configurations. This means that for standard jobs which would usually require methodical spacing of settings, operators no longer need to readjust them each time.
There are many advantages of mechanical press brakes as compared to other types of bending machines. A major advantage is their very high capacity. They are equipped to handle thicker and longer metal plate than other machines. They can also bend pieces of metal plates into very particular angles and sizes. It is so critical to output quality to have this degree of accuracy! Mechanical press brakes are also usually more affordable than most other types of bending machines. This means they are a common choice for businesses that need to a lot of bending work.
That said, mechanical press brakes do come with certain drawbacks. One limitation of these machines is that they need regular maintenance. They require this maintenance to keep them running smoothly and safely. If the machines are not maintained well, they may not work correctly. 2 - Less flexibility to bend very complicated shapes and materials; This means that they are great for many tasks but they are not necessarily a good fit for every project.
If safety rules are not followed, a mechanical press brake can be dangerous. As a result, it is crucial for the operators to be educated on safety procedures when operating these types of machines. STON's mechanical press brakes, for example, feature safety guards and safety sensors in an effort to avoid accidents. Operator And People At The Area Safety Features In addition, operators should always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), i.e. gloves, eye protection, etc., to minimize the risk of harm. In addition, workers must have adequate training on safe use of the machine. Training data should contain, for example, information on the loading and unloading of metal plates and how to deal with emergencies.
STON korostaa T&K-investointeja ja pysyy alan teknologian kärjessä. Meillä on yli 20 hengen T&K-tiimi. Investoimme vuosittain 30 % liikevaihdostamme uusien tuotteiden kehittämiseen ja olemassa olevien tuotteiden päivittämiseen. Kumppanuuksien kautta tutkimuslaitosten ja yliopistojen kanssa Jatkamme teknologiaperustaisen horisonttimme laajentamista, jotta pystymme reagoimaan nopeasti markkinatilanteen muutoksiin ja asiakkaiden tarpeisiin.
STON on maailmanlaajuinen CNC-koneyritys ja sertifioitu hallintayritys. Yritys sai ensimmäisenä kansainvälisen ISO 9001-2000 laatujärjestelmän sertifikaatin. STON on myös saanut Shandong SRDI Enterprisen ja Shandong Gazelle Enterprisen nimikkeet. Lisäksi siinä on yli 100 patentoitavaa teknologiaa. Yli 80 maassa luottama tuotteemme ovat tunnettuja tarkkuudestaan, kestävyydestään ja erinomaisesta laadustaan, mikä asettaa alalle riman.
STON käyttää erilaisia laadunvalvontatekniikoita koko valmistusprosessin ajan. Ne sisältävät materiaalitarkastukset ja prosessin testauksen sekä lopputuotteen tarkastuksen. Varmistamme, että jokainen tuote täyttää kansainväliset laatustandardit ja käy läpi tiukat testaukset ennen toimitusta. Lisäksi tarjoamme asiakkaidemme erityisvaatimuksiin perustuvia räätälöityjä ratkaisuja, jotka auttavat heitä parantamaan tuottavuuttaan ja alentamaan käyttökustannuksiaan.
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