Sheet metal forming is a process that transforms flat pieces of metal into useful products. From cars to buildings to even the electronic gadgets we see every day, this is how fabrikation makes a diverse range of products! This article will teach you how the sheet metal forming process works, while also describing how a company known as STON uses these techniques to produce highly accurate metal patterns that fit their designs perfectly.
In case you do not know a thing about the basics of sheet metal forming, it is a widely used method of transforming flat sheets of metal such as steel or aluminum into complex shapes. But honestly, this is something quite technical, much training went into creating those shapes just right! This craft has been practiced by many for thousands of years and is still common in many industries today. The ability to mold metal into practical shapes is crucial for everything from the cars we drive to the buildings we live, work and play in.
The first step to create an exact shape from a piece of metal is to cut the metal into the shape. This can be done with a saw, a plasma cutter, or maybe even a waterjet cutter. Each of these tools has its benefits and can be used to achieve different types of cuts. The process of bending the cut pieces into the preferred shape, is performed by the machine known as Press Brake or Bending Machine. As such, metal bending is a rather challenging process, since it needs significant force to be applied to the metal to make it easier to deform it without actually ripping or stretching it.
After the sheetmetal has been formed, it can be beaten into its final shape with a hammer/mallet. Working the area is a very delicate stage of the process because it is done by an expert who has to make the metal as even and perfect as possible. Not only does a nice shaped metal part look good, it will perform better in its intended application.
Sheet metal forming has seen several thrilling new technological breakthroughs in recent years making the industry more efficient than ever before. The most important innovations are CAD (computer-aided design) and CAM (computer-aided manufacturing). importantly, they have the ability to stitch together parts that are overlapped like two pieces of wet paper, treating them like a unit.
One more innovation in custom metal sheet fabrication is the laser cutting. A high-powered laser with blazing precision is used to slice through metal with a laser cutter. This technology helps sheet metal fabricators form intricate shapes that may be hard or impossible to achieve with traditional cutting techniques. Thus, the quality of the products manufactured with these techniques have improved tremendously.
It's an example of metal forming innovation that continues today, and here at STON we are proud to be part of that legacy. Utilize the latest technology and techniques to manufacture your precision sheet metal parts at the highest quality and performance. Quality is important to us, so we continue to manufacture quality products for our customers.
STON painottaa voimakkaasti T&K-investointeja ja on aina markkinoiden teknologisen kehityksen kärjessä. STONilla on T&K-tiimi, jossa on yli 20 työntekijää. Investoimme joka vuosi 30 prosenttia liikevaihdostamme uusien tuotteiden luomiseen ja jo käytössä olevien tuotteiden modernisointiin. Laajennamme jatkuvasti teknologista osaamistamme yhteistyössä tutkimusyliopistojen ja muiden instituutioiden kanssa, jotta voimme vastata nopeasti markkinoiden muutoksiin ja asiakkaiden vaatimuksiin.
Vian sattuessa teknikkomme saapuvat paikalle nopeasti korjaamaan sen etänä puhelimitse tai videolla. Jos se on käsiteltävä paikan päällä, olemme käyttäjän sivustolla mahdollisimman pian.
STON on kansainvälinen CNC-koneyritys ja sertifioitu Management Enterprise. Se oli ensimmäinen yritys, joka sai kansainvälisen ISO 9001:2000 -sertifikaatin laatujärjestelmille. Yritykselle on annettu nimitys Shandong SRDI Enterprise ja Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Yhtiöllä on yli 100 patenttia. Yli 80 maassa käytössä olevat tuotteemme ovat tunnettuja vertaansa vailla olevasta tarkkuudestaan, luotettavuudestaan ja erinomaisesta ammattitaitostaan, mikä asettaa alalle standardin.
STON käyttää erilaisia menetelmiä laadun valvontaan koko valmistusprosessin ajan. Niihin kuuluvat materiaalitarkastukset ja prosessin testaus sekä tuotteiden lopputarkastus. Varmistamme, että jokainen tuote täyttää kansainväliset laatustandardit ja läpäisee tiukat testit ennen toimitusta. Lisäksi tarjoamme asiakkaidemme erityisvaatimuksiin perustuvia räätälöityjä ratkaisuja, jotka auttavat heitä lisäämään tuotannon tehokkuutta ja alentamaan käyttökustannuksia.