Diseinu berezia altzairuzko xafla tolestu makina to easily help you bend steel sheets. It lets you draw pretty, smooth bends every time. This tool is powerful and rugged but also remarkably easy to use. Well, with this bender on your side, you can whip your projects into shape like nobody’s business, letting you get all your Best Work done.
Precision is very important when bending steel sheets. That makes you want your bends to be just right. This is the reason that our steel sheet bender is engineered to produce accurate and smooth bends every time you use it. It has a clamping system you can adjust to ensure that your bends are accurate and consistent. Regardless of how thick the steel sheet that you have to deal with, the right bender is going to get it done.
Also, Our sheet bender has user-friendly control panal. So, regardless of being new in using this type of apparatus, the learning curve will be simple for you. The bending angle and speed can be easily adjusted. This means you can always trust the precision of your bends which is so important for any project.
A altzairuzko xafla tolesteko makina can provide many advantages, and one of them is that it enables the operator to work more efficiently. If you can make precise and smooth bends fast, your projects have shorter completion time. This is often very useful and can make a huge difference when you have so many projects to get done.
The steel sheet bender is also designed for durability and dependability. Which means you can depend on it to perform well for quite some time. With an asset like this in hand, knowing that your equipment won't fail you or slow you down so you can get about the business of your work. You can work with confidence knowing your bender stands ready to help you knock out the work.
At STON, we know that each project is unique and for this reason we have different sheet bender models. Depending on your needs, each model has its own unique purpose. We have the right sheet bender for you whether you are looking for a compact, bench-mounted model that fits into a small workspace or a larger floor model to handle big jobs.
We are STON and delivering you the highest quality sheet benders you can find. All benders are made of premium materials and extensively tested. We want to ensure that they are up to our high quality expectations for durability and performance. Any sheet bender from STON guarantees many years to come.
STONek hainbat kalitate kontrolatzeko teknika erabiltzen ditu fabrikazio prozesu osoan. Materialen ikuskapenak eta prozesuan egindako probak eta azken produktuaren ikuskapena barne hartzen dituzte. Produktu bakoitzak kalitatearen nazioarteko estandarrak betetzen dituela eta entregatu aurretik proba zorrotzak egiten dituela ziurtatzen dugu. Gainera, gure bezeroen eskakizun partikularretan oinarritutako soluzio pertsonalizatuak eskaintzen ditugu, produktibitatea hobetzen eta funtzionamendu kostuak murrizten laguntzeko.
Ekipoen instalazioa martxan jartzeko, konfiguratzeko edo larrialdietarako konponketetarako orduan, STONek azkar erantzuten du etenik gabeko ekoizpena bermatzeko. Bermearen iraupena urtebetekoa da, ekipoa martxan jartzen den egunetik aurrera. Berme-epearen ostean mesedegarriagoak diren mantentze-abantailez ere aprobetxatu ahal izango duzu. Huts egiten bada gure taldea berehala egongo da arazoa urrunetik konpontzeko telefonoz edo bideoz. Lekuan ahalik eta azkarren egongo gara tokian bertan konponketa behar izanez gero.
STONek I+G inbertsioari garrantzi handia ematen dio eta beti dago industriako teknologiaren abangoardian. 20 lagunetik gorako I+G taldea dugu. Urtero gure diru-sarreren % 30 inbertitzen dugu produktu berriak garatzeko, baita lehendik daudenak berritzeko ere. Ikerketa eta unibertsitateekin dugun lankidetzaren bidez, gure gaitasun teknologikoak zabaltzen jarraitzen dugu, merkatuaren aldaketei eta bezeroen beharrei azkar erantzun ahal izateko.
STON CNC makineria nazioarteko enpresa bat da eta Kudeaketa Enpresa akreditatua da. ISO 9001:2000 nazioarteko kalitate ziurtagiria lortzen lehena da eta Shandong SRDI Enterprise eta Shandong Gazelle Enterprise tituluak lortu zituen. Gainera, patentatutako 100 teknologia baino gehiago ditu. Gure produktuak, 80 herrialde baino gehiagok fidatzen dituztenak, beren zehaztasun, fidagarritasun eta artisautza bikainagatik aintzatetsi dira. Industrian marka ezarri zuten.