Have you ever tried making holes in some metal and found it pretty hard? So, how do you move past your comfort zone? STON has brilliant tools for you. These special tools make it easy and fun to cut holes in metal for anyone who likes to tinker or make.
The initial tool is extremely strong and influential. It cuts through metal like magic when you press on the handle. You don’t have to use a ton of muscle or push really hard. It is a very sharp blade that allows you to make smooth, clean holes in the metal, whether thick or thin. Imagine the superhero tool that does the hard work for you!
One of the tools is small and extra special. This one punches very small, perfect holes that look neat and clean. It’s excellent for creating fun things like jewelry or craft projects. The handle is easy to grip and the blade is sharp enough to cut through metal cleanly. Kids who like to make things will even be able to use this tool with grown-up assistance.
STON also includes a really clever tool that assists you to make holes in the precise right place. It has a dedicated guide to keep all your holes aligned. This is great for creating things such as belts, or other applications where you want the holes to look neat. No crooked/messy holes anymore.
Some people like to make various sized holes for those various types of projects. Well, STON has the ideal tool for that! You have one tool which you can punch small, medium, and large holes. That means you can use the same tool to punch holes for a variety of different things. Cool! It is like a magic tool that shrinks and grows!
And if you need to punch a lot of holes down fast, STON has got a you an tool. It has a wide, comfy handle that feels nice to grip and punches out holes quickly. It can be used on metal sheets, pipes or pretty much any metal object you want to create holes on. It’s great for those who want to press fast and create a lot.
The hole punch tools from STON are simple and enjoyable to use. They let you create holes on metal without any struggle and pain. The tools are robust, and it can help you bring great projects to life. For those of you making a craft, belt, or whatnot, these tools will be your best helper.
STONek hainbat kalitate kontrolatzeko teknika erabiltzen ditu fabrikazio prozesu osoan. Materialen ikuskapenak eta prozesuan egindako probak eta azken produktuaren ikuskapena barne hartzen dituzte. Produktu bakoitzak kalitatearen nazioarteko estandarrak betetzen dituela eta entregatu aurretik proba zorrotzak egiten dituela ziurtatzen dugu. Gainera, gure bezeroen eskakizun partikularretan oinarritutako soluzio pertsonalizatuak eskaintzen ditugu, produktibitatea hobetzen eta funtzionamendu kostuak murrizten laguntzeko.
Ekipoen instalazioari, martxan jartzeari edo larrialdiko konponketei buruzkoa da, STONek azkar erantzuten du etenik gabeko produkzioa bermatzeko. Berme epeak urtebeteko iraupena du ekipoak martxan jartzen diren egunetik. Berme-epearen ostean mesedegarriagoak diren mantentze-abantailez ere aprobetxatu ahal izango duzu. Porrotaren kasuan STONek berehala erantzungo du arazoa urrunetik konpontzeko telefonoz edo bideoz. Lekuan bertan zuzendu behar bada, zure webgunean egongo gara denbora laburrenean.
STON-ek I+G inbertsioan sinesten du eta eguneratuta jarraitzen du industriako aurrerapen teknologikoekin. 20 langile baino gehiago dituen I+G talde bat du. Urtero diru-sarreren % 30 inbertitzen dugu produktu berrien garapenean, baita dagoeneko erabiltzen diren produktuak modernizatzeko ere. Ikerketa institutu eta unibertsitateekin dugun lankidetzaren bidez gure gaitasun teknologikoak zabaltzen jarraitzen dugu, merkatuaren aldaketei eta bezeroen beharrei azkar erantzun ahal izateko.
STON CNC makineriaren negozio globala da eta kudeaketa enpresa ziurtatua da. ISO 9001:2000 nazioarteko kalitate sistemaren ziurtagiria lortu zuen lehena da eta Shandong SRDI Enterprise eta Shandong Gazelle Enterprise titulua lortu zuen. Gainera, patentatutako 100 teknologia baino gehiago ditu. 80 herrialde baino gehiagotan konfiantza izanda, gure produktuak zehaztasun, fidagarritasun eta lan paregabeagatik aitortzen dira, industrian estandarra ezartzen duena.