How are all the shiny metal parts in your toys, your cars, your machines manufactured? Metal bending is an exclusive process, where metal sheets are formed into the required shape and size as per needs. A perfect bend requires high precision, meticulous preparation, and skill. During this process, this company makes it all much better and perfect for all to use, the name of the company is STON which is widely known for its metal bending machines.
Historically, metal workers relied on hand tools and brute strength to shape metal into the appropriate shapes. Finding it was not always easy, and took a long time. But now, STON makes modern machines that transform how metal is produced. These metal bending machines are highly precise, allowing for mistakes-free metal bending in a variety of shapes and sizes. For effective bending of special shapes, handles, edges, and curves in metal sheets, the usage of such bending machines is essential. This makes the job a lot more easier and fun!
Making things usually means being efficient — getting the product out quickly but doing everything correctly. STON's metal bending tools are here to help. These machines allow you to produce perfect bends quicker and with less effort. The tools have adjustable configurations, so operators can switch them out to suit their needs for each job. The tools are user-friendly (easy to understand and operate). For the ideal angle, operators are easily able to adjust the speed, angle, and other settings of the machine. This allows users to learn how to operate the machines and achieve excellent results.
It takes a lot of skill and practice to bend metal without it breaking. However, STON has simplified this process through its innovative techniques. They have special software that develops plans for how much force and angle to bend the metal. This software prevents the errors that can occur with manual methods and ensures that each bend is accurate. Moreover, STON's machines are also equipped with special hydraulic systems that regulate both the speed and strength with which metal is curved. It is crucial to have these feeder features in order to ensure that every bend will be perfect and it will flow fine finally.
This is why it is vital to choose the right metal bending machines for great results. STON is a recommendation for strong, reliable and long-lasting machines. They employ the best materials and welding techniques so that the machines last years without problems. The machines are also user-friendly, so they are meant to be as simple as possible. This includes intuitive software that allows operators to faithfully and reliably achieve the results they desire. All of these features combined make STON machines a no-brainer for someone who has to bend metal.
STON CNC makineria nazioarteko enpresa bat da eta Kudeaketa Enpresa homologatua. Kalitate sistemen ISO 9001-2000 nazioarteko ziurtagiria lortu zuen munduko lehen enpresa izan zen. Enpresari Shandong SRDI Enterprise eta Shandong Gazelle Enterprise titulua ere eman diote. Gainera, patentearen zain dauden 100 teknologia baino gehiago ditu. 80 herrialde baino gehiagoren konfiantzaz, gure produktuak bere zehaztasun paregabeagatik, fidagarritasunagatik eta kalitate paregabeagatik ezagunak dira, merkatuan marka ezarriz.
Hutsik gertatuz gero, gure teknikariak azkar iritsiko dira gunera urrunetik telefonoz edo bideoz konpontzeko. Bertatik bertara zuzendu behar bada eta ahalik eta denbora laburrenean erabiltzailearen gunean egongo gara.
Ekoizpen-prozesuan zehar, STONek kalitate-kontrol-neurri anitz ezartzen ditu, hala nola, materialaren egiaztapenak, produkzioan probak eta azken produktuaren ikuskapena. STONek elementu bakoitzak kalitatearen nazioarteko estandarrak betetzen dituela ziurtatzen du eta entregatu aurretik proba zorrotzak egiten dituela. Horrez gain, gure bezeroen beharren araberako soluzio pertsonalizatuak eskaintzen ditugu, bezeroei produkzio-eraginkortasuna hobetzen laguntzeko, operazio-kostuak murrizten dituzten bitartean.
STONek inbertitzen du I+G-n eta aurrerapen teknologikoaren abangoardian dago. STONek 20 pertsona baino gehiagok osatzen duten I+G sail bat du. Urtero gure diru-sarreren ehuneko 30 inbertitzen dugu produktu berriak sortzeko eta lehendik daudenak berritzeko. Unibertsitateekin eta ikerketa-erakundeekin dugun lankidetzaren bidez, gure gaitasun teknologikoak zabaltzen jarraitzen dugu, merkatuan eta bezeroen beharrizanen aldaketei azkar erantzuteko gai garela ziurtatzeko.