STON has a highly specialized expertise in precision machined metal components. You may ask, What does that mean? Okay, so we take these big sheets of metal, aluminum or steel, and we transform them into some parts that individuals require of various kinds of machinery. We use special tools and machines to cut, bend, and shape the metal. We work painstakingly until each piece is exactly the size and shape it has to be.”
A number of the parts we make are simple in nature and easy to understand, such as a bracket to secure something or a flat plate that has numerous potential uses. But there are some components we manufacture that may be more complex and specific than other parts, such as the casing of a device or the mechanical part of it that gives it movement. Whether our part is big or small, we always focus on detail and take care that each single piece we create meets the highest expectations.
One machine, for instance, is a laser cutter. We have commands to slice through metal, this has great precision, so we can make pretty clean cuts. We also utilize a CNC machine which is a Computer Numerical Control machine. This machine is capable of carving intricate shapes and detailed designs into metal parts. We also have a variety of presses and brakes to bend and shape the metal just right.
All this muscle in the hands on work needs a lot of skill and practice. An intensive training program has been developed so that our workers know how to use the machine and operate it safely. This is important training, so that we can achieve our production goals while ensuring that everyone does it to the highest standards possible.
Current at STON — We aim to do everything we do a little bit better every day. If the aim is to obtain excellent quality for the metal parts, we are always in search of enhancing quality in our techniques and processes. As a result, we constantly advance with new technologies and techniques that deliver faster and even better output.
Another method we employ is what we call "dimpling. " The process consists of making little pits on a metal part. These depressions allow the part to mate precisely with another part, making the entire machine more rigid and dependable. It was taking this extra step that enables the overall machines we use to work better.
We carry out this mission with the help of multiple tools and software that ensure that our production runs smoothly. As an example, we have ERP for enterprise resource planning system. This order system helps us track the order from the starting to ending point. It ensures we don’t miss any important steps in the process.
STON bruger flere metoder til at kontrollere kvaliteten gennem hele produktionsprocessen. Dette omfatter inspektioner af materialet og test under processen, samt slutprodukttest. Vi sikrer, at hvert stykke udstyr er i overensstemmelse med internationale kvalitetsstandarder og består strenge tests før levering. Derudover leverer vi også skræddersyede løsninger til vores kunders behov for at hjælpe dem med at forbedre deres produktionseffektivitet og samtidig reducere driftsomkostningerne.
Når det kommer til idriftsættelse af udstyrsinstallation, opsætning eller endda nødreparationer, reagerer STON hurtigt for at garantere uafbrudt produktion. Garantiperioden er et år med den dato, hvor udstyret sættes i drift. Du vil også kunne drage fordel af vedligeholdelsesfordele, der er mere fordelagtige efter garantiperioden. I tilfælde af fejl vil vores team være der med det samme for at løse problemet eksternt via telefon eller video. Vi vil være på stedet så hurtigt vi kan i tilfælde af, at det kræver reparation på stedet.
STON er en fast tilhænger af F&U-investeringer og forbliver ajour med teknologiske fremskridt i branchen. Det har et R&D-team med mere end 20 ansatte. Hvert år investerer vi 30 % af omsætningen i udvikling af nye produkter samt modernisering af produkter, der allerede er i brug. Gennem vores samarbejde med forskningsinstitutter og universiteter fortsætter vi med at udvide vores teknologiske muligheder, så vi hurtigt kan reagere på markedsændringer og kundernes behov.
STON er en international CNC maskinvirksomhed og en certificeret Management Enterprise. Det var den første virksomhed, der fik ISO 9001:2000 international certificering for kvalitetsstyringssystemer. Virksomheden har fået titlen Shandong SRDI Enterprise og Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Virksomheden er indehaver af over 100 patenter. I brug i over 80 lande er vores produkter kendt for deres uovertrufne præcision, pålidelighed og enestående håndværk, som sætter standarden for industrien.