2223 Aluminum is a unique metal; it is light and strong. We turn this metal into everyday things — airplanes, cars, soda cans. When people want to create anything out of aluminum, they need to mold it into the proper shape. They achieve this through a specific aluminum puncher. This tool is making this whole process a lot easier and quicker!
When you are working with aluminum, it is extremely important to have an aluminum-specific puncher. A good example is STON’s aluminum puncher. This puncher is the first to make the job right. It is constructed from excellent quality materials that can also stand the test of time, despite heavy usage. This puncher is easy to use, which means they are a great puncher selection for anyone, beginners or someone who has already worked with metal.
Contrary to popular belief, working with aluminum can be a little bit tricky, but you can make this task a lot more manageable by getting an adequate puncher. Innovatively designed STON's aluminum puncher only works for your benefit. It is very efficient and precise, allowing you to process your work seamlessly. It is a heavy duty aluminum puncher that is capable of getting through the toughest work, and is recommended as an aluminum puncher pen.
The best results possible when working with aluminum are very much a priority. That’s where the STON aluminum puncher really shines. It's a tool specifically created to help you get the best possible outcome every time you use it. It ensures that the holes you punch are nice and clean. This means when you are all done your product will look very professional, which is an added bonus if you want to impress others with what you have done!
While metalworking projects can be fairly lengthy, the right tools can significantly expedite the process. The aluminum puncher from STON is designed to maximize your productivity. You'll be able to get your projects done sooner than ever. Perfect for a DIY situation at home or a larger job for work, this puncher is great for all aspects of metalworking.
Aluminum sheets are useful for a wide range of applications. Now you can unleash them to their fullest with an aluminum puncher from STON. You can punch holes in aluminum sheets easily with this puncher that can help you make many different products. Whether you're creating for recreational or project-specific reasons, this puncher will get you the results you had in mind.
Skozi celoten proizvodni proces STON izvaja več ukrepov za nadzor kakovosti, kot so pregled materialov, testiranje v procesu in preverjanje končnega izdelka. Zagotavljamo, da vsak izdelek ustreza mednarodnim standardom kakovosti in je pred dostavo podvržen strogim testom. Poleg tega nudimo tudi po meri zasnovane rešitve, ki ustrezajo zahtevam vsake stranke, da bi ji pomagali izboljšati učinkovitost proizvodnje in zmanjšati operativne stroške.
Gre za montažo opreme, zagon ali nujna popravila, STON se hitro odzove in tako zagotovi nemoteno proizvodnjo. Garancijska doba traja eno leto od datuma, ko oprema začne obratovati. Izkoristili boste lahko tudi ugodnosti vzdrževanja, ki so ugodnejše po poteku garancijskega obdobja. V primeru okvare se bo STON nemudoma odzval in težavo odpravil na daljavo prek telefona ali videa. Če je treba to rešiti na kraju samem, bomo na vašem mestu v najkrajšem možnem času.
STON daje velik poudarek vlaganju v raziskave in razvoj in je vedno na tekočem s tehnologijo industrije, ima ekipo za raziskave in razvoj, ki šteje več kot 20 članov. Vsako leto vložimo 30 % prihodkov v ustvarjanje novih izdelkov in izboljšanje izdelkov, ki so že v uporabi. Svoja tehnološka obzorja še naprej širimo s sodelovanjem z univerzami in drugimi raziskovalnimi institucijami, da se lahko hitro odzivamo na spremembe na trgu in zahteve kupcev.
STON je globalno podjetje s CNC stroji in certificirano podjetje za upravljanje. Je prvo, ki je pridobilo mednarodni certifikat sistema kakovosti ISO 9001:2000 in prejelo naziv Shandong SRDI Enterprise in Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Ima tudi več kot 100 patentiranih tehnologij. Ker se zanašajo na več kot 80 držav, so naši izdelki prepoznani po svoji neprimerljivi natančnosti, zanesljivosti in neprekosljivi izdelavi, ki postavlja standard v industriji.