Factories are special places, because they are where workers make all kinds of things. Some of these things are made of metal, and they need to be bent in just the right way. This is where a CNC Bending Machine comes to the rescue!
Unfortunately, when one bends metal, one makes small mistakes. Sometimes the bend may be a touch too large or a touch too small. But this is a different kind of machine. It executes commands literally, which is why every single metal component is identical.
CNC CNC Bending Machine has a computer brain inside it that orders it what to do. Workers can enter special instructions into the machine, and it remembers these instructions. So it can keep doing the same task again and again without getting tired or making errors.
What’s super cool about this machine, it can work all day, and it can work all night. It doesn’t require breaks, and it doesn’t get tired. That helps factories create many more items more quickly than they did before.
The machine is very precise. That lets it bend metal into shapes that are precisely the correct size. Others, like parts in airplanes or specialized tools, require extreme precision. This machine is capable of creating those parts flawlessly.
There is a company, called STON that manufactures these cool machines. They manufacture CNC Bending Machines for every industry. In some factories, people make things for large airplanes, while in others they make things people use every day at home.
Working on this machine is similar to having an assistant that can work non-stop and is never wrong. It helps workers quickly and accurately make lots of metal parts. These smart machines can help factories save time and money.
STON je mednarodno podjetje za CNC stroje in akreditirano podjetje za upravljanje. Je prvi, ki je dosegel mednarodni certifikat kakovosti ISO 9001:2000 in prejel nazive Shandong SRDI Enterprise in Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Ima tudi več kot 100 patentiranih tehnologij. Naši izdelki, ki jim zaupa več kot 80 držav, so bili priznani zaradi svoje izjemne natančnosti, zanesljivosti in izjemne izdelave. Postavljajo letvico v industriji.
STON poudarja naložbe v raziskave in razvoj ter je vedno na vrhu tehnološkega napredka v industriji. Ima skupino za raziskave in razvoj, ki šteje več kot 20 ljudi. Vsako leto vložimo 30 % prihodkov v razvoj novih izdelkov ter nadgradnjo obstoječih izdelkov. Še naprej širimo svoja tehnološka obzorja s sodelovanjem z univerzami in drugimi raziskovalnimi institucijami, da bi se lahko hitro odzvali na spremembe na trgu in zahtevah kupcev.
STON uporablja različne metode za nadzor kakovosti v celotnem proizvodnem procesu. Ti vključujejo preglede materialov in testiranje v procesu skupaj s preverjanjem končnega izdelka. Zagotavljamo, da vsak izdelek ustreza mednarodnim standardom kakovosti in opravi stroge teste pred dostavo. Poleg tega nudimo prilagojene rešitve glede na zahteve vsake stranke, da ji pomagamo povečati učinkovitost proizvodnje in zmanjšati operativne stroške.
Ne glede na to, ali gre za zagon namestitve opreme, hitro popravilo ali popravila, se STON hitro odzove in tako zagotovi neprekinjeno proizvodnjo. Trajanje garancije je eno leto od datuma, ko je bila oprema dana v obratovanje, po garancijskem obdobju pa lahko še vedno uživate v prednostnih vzdrževalnih storitvah. V primeru okvare se bo STON nemudoma odzval in rešil težavo na daljavo preko videa ali telefona. Če je treba težavo odpraviti na kraju samem, bo popravilo opravljeno na mestu uporabnika v najkrajšem možnem času.