Do you struggle with getting your paper or cardstock to line up just right for a punch? When the stars don’t align as they should, it can be REALLY annoying! But don’t panic, because the STON パンチャーマシン makes punching a breeze! It features adjustable guides and a transparent base, which enables you to know exactly where your punch will land on the paper. So you know you’ll make the perfect shapes every time!
New DiscoveryThe rotary punching machine is awesome and can do it all to create greeting cards, scrapbook pages and other cool paper craftst. You can use it to punch out fun shapes like hearts, stars, snowflakes and so much more. This machine allows you to make delicate designs that would dazzle your friends and family when they see your crafts!
You may be asking yourself, how does this machine actually work? Well, the 金属パンチ穴 has a circular blade on the inside which you rotate around turning the handle. As you crank the handle, the spinning blade presses through your paper or cardstock, creating the desired shape. It was so straightforward and user-friendly that you can hit the ground running with your projects in no time!
Are you ever tired of punching up shapes by hand all the time? If you have to do it all by yourself, it can take forever! With the STON rotary punching machine, you will save a lot of time doing more! With this machine, you can punch many shapes at once, allowing you to save time (and with it energy) while producing your projects.
The rotary punching machine has some really cool features including the ability to punch a simultaneous 10 sheets of paper. That means you can easily produce many copies of the same design without having to punch each sheet individually. It saves you a ton of time, leaving you to get your crafts done quicker so you can enjoy your finished projects that much more!
The rotary punching machine also has the advantage of being energy-saving as it can reduce hand fatigue. Punched shapes by hand can be hard on your hands and wrists. But with this machine, you can punch away, never feeling fatigued or uncomfortable. It’s a fantastic way to stay cozy when you’re getting work done on your go-to crafts!
The machine is also compact and portable in design. That means you can bring it with you wherever you go! At home, in the park or even on a long drive, you can work on your paper crafts anytime anywhere. Ideal for busy individuals seeking to maximize their time while still pursuing their favorite pastimes.
STON は世界クラスの CNC 機械企業であり、認定管理企業です。品質システムに関する ISO 9001-2000 国際認証を取得した最初の企業です。同社は山東 SRDI 企業、山東ガゼル企業の称号を授与されています。さらに、100 以上の特許出願中の技術を有しています。80 か国以上で信頼されているブランドであり、当社の製品は精度、耐久性、無敵の品質で知られ、市場の基準となっています。
STON は研究開発に多額の投資を行っており、技術進歩の最前線に立っています。STON には 20 名を超える人員で構成される研究開発部門があります。当社は毎年、収益の 30% を新製品の開発と既存製品のアップグレードに投資しています。大学や研究機関との連携を通じて、市場の変化や顧客のニーズに迅速に対応できるよう、技術力を継続的に拡大しています。
STON は、生産プロセス全体にわたって品質を管理するためにさまざまな方法を採用しています。これには、材料の検査、プロセス中のテスト、最終製品の検証が含まれます。当社は、各製品が国際品質基準を満たし、出荷前に厳しいテストに合格することを保証します。さらに、各顧客の要件に応じてカスタマイズされたソリューションを提供し、生産効率の向上と運用コストの削減を支援します。