Punching is a specialized skill that requires ample practice and time. When you punch, you take your hand and move it quickly toward something. It may sound simple, but there are just ways to make it better. Just as riding a bike or drawing a picture takes patience and practice, so does パンチャーマシン.
Stand Strong: Stand with your feet a little wider than your shoulders. This keeps you balanced and steady. Feel you are a robust tree rooted in the ground.
DO: Add Your Tummy Muscles: Use the muscles in your belly when you punch. These muscles make you punch harder and stronger. Your tummy muscles are the power engine that moves you.
Move Your Whole Body: Don’t just use your arm. Also move your shoulders and your hips. It takes your whole body working together to create a decent punch. Think of it like a team where all are helping each other.
Don’t Show Your Punch: Don’t cock your arm too far back before you throw a punch. This explains to the other person what will happen. It’s as if you spoil a surprise before it’s even a surprise.
Don’t Over-Reach: When you throw a punch, your arm should stay nestled close to you so you don’t topple over. Pretend that you are a cat — agile, nimble, always at the ready.
使用しない 金属パンチ穴 for anything else beside practice, sport, or teaching. Never punch to harm anyone. Be nice and sort things out by talking and being friendly.
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