You need a perfect tool for making holes in metal sheets. Well, the 鉄板曲げ機 is such a special tool! The STON iron punching machine also high-quality iron punch. This machine will help you drill holes easily into metal, as this is a very vital part of many projects.
How To Use An iron punching machine To begin with, you must position your metal sheet inside the machine platform. Ensure that it is flat and secure. Then decide how big and what shape of hole you want to make. There are several options available to choose from to make sure you get what fits your project. CURRENTLY, AFTER ALL THIS IS IN PLACE, JUST PRESS THE PEDAL WITH YOUR FOOT. In only a couple of seconds, the machine punches a hole in your sheet of metal! Like magic!
JA: This machine saves you a lot of time. You can complete your metal projects in much less time and using better efficiency in agreement with an パンチャーマシン rather than by hammering holes by hand. Which means you can accomplish more in a shorter time span, a benefit that top réalité!
Iron punching machines are not only fast but also very accurate. Precision is when you punch holes that are correct, and precisely as you expect them. The machine can be set to punch holes in varying sizes and shapes. As this is using hydraulic power, it makes sure that your holes are always exactly the right shape, exactly where you want them, every single time.
One more benefit is that this machine is made to be easy. If you’re punching holes by hand, you won’t tire quickly like you would. This iron punching machine gives you a hand to finish your projects in less effort so that you do not have to feel tired and manage to continue working.
The STON iron punching machine is commonly used in process-based Ironworks projects. It can be used to compose fences, gates, railings, and more. This is something helpful for making the holes that you require for that project, which is always the trick with assembling the parts correctly.
Many professions that deal with metal, will find that an iron punching machine is an invaluable piece of equipment for work. If you want to work faster, better and more accurately, then you really need this tool in your workshop. This STON iron punching machine is a great investment that will last you a long time, so you can trust it on any project.
STON は国際的な CNC 機械会社であり、認定管理企業です。ISO 9001:2000 国際品質認証を取得した最初の企業であり、山東 SRDI 企業および山東ガゼル企業の称号を授与されました。また、100 を超える特許技術を有しています。80 か国以上で信頼されている当社の製品は、その卓越した精度、信頼性、卓越した職人技で認められており、業界の基準を設定しています。
STON は、生産プロセス全体を通じて、材料のチェック、生産中のテスト、最終製品の検査など、複数の品質管理措置を実施しています。STON は、各アイテムが国際品質基準を満たしていることを保証し、出荷前に厳格なテストを受けています。さらに、お客様のニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされたソリューションを提供し、運用コストを削減しながら生産効率を向上させるお手伝いをします。
STON は研究開発に多額の投資を行っており、技術進歩の最前線に立っています。STON には 20 名を超える人員で構成される研究開発部門があります。当社は毎年、収益の 30% を新製品の開発と既存製品のアップグレードに投資しています。大学や研究機関との連携を通じて、市場の変化や顧客のニーズに迅速に対応できるよう、技術力を継続的に拡大しています。