A Bending Plate Machine What Do You Want to Learn? They are special machines to bend pieces of metal in various shapes. So many shapes: pipe, tube, angle… pretty much any shape you could imagine out of metal. What do we do at STON Bending Plate Machines? The best thing is that these machines allow us to save time and produce a better number of metals. Let’s discover why these machines are so critical and how they operate!
Prior to the invention of the Bending Plate machines, bending metal is a very tough work. Workers used their hands and tools to bend the metal, which was very hard and time-consuming. Its like try smooshing thick piece of metal between your hands! Then someone thought 'hey, why not make a machine that can do this faster and easier? That is how invented Bending Plate Machines! So bending the metal and turning it into the shape you want will become very easy, and thus these machines are used as superheroes for metalworking.
You can make a simple shape of the metal with 曲げプレスs but it is not just limited till that. They are also useful for artists, who use them to create beautiful and unique metal sculptures. These skilled artists bend metal of all kinds with Bending Plate Machines and make all sorts of incredible shapes and designs. It’s very impressive to see what they can do with these machines! These Bending Plate Machines allow for artistic expression to be explored like never before. It gives them an opportunity to turn their concepts into actual metal art that people can come and see.
Metalworking is more than bending metal; it is about making it strong and long-lasting as well. Enter steel. Steel is a super strong metal, designed to endure for years. Bending Plate Machines are the tools that allow you to bend this kind of material into any shape required. That means you can make everything with steel: skyscrapers, bridges, sports cars and even planes! When you have a Bending Plate Machine to assist you, there are no limits.
Have you ever seen a metal form that seemed like it would be difficult or impossible to create? Well, you can do anything with a Bending Plate Machine! These machines have the ability to take some of the most complex manners people can dream of and fulfill it. Which is awesome because metalworking is now a whole lot easier for everyone. Well, if you have a great idea in your mind for the metal shape, now you don’t have to worry! A Bending Plate Machine is the perfect solution for getting it done, however tricky it seems.
Bending Plate Machines are not a machine, they are a bunch of them wrapped up in one! These machines can bend, twist and shape metal in all sorts of different ways. That is, you can produce any form of metal you desire with a single machine. That speeds up metalworking and allows you to make more in less time. We at STON manufacture different types of plate bending machines that are not only functional but help you with reduce processing times and increase fun!
STON は、生産プロセス全体にわたって複数の方法を使用して品質を管理しています。これには、材料の検査、プロセス中のテスト、および最終製品のテストが含まれます。当社は、各機器が国際品質基準に準拠し、出荷前に厳しいテストに合格することを保証します。さらに、お客様のニーズに合わせてカスタム ソリューションも提供し、運用コストを削減しながら生産効率を向上させるお手伝いをします。
設備の設置、試運転、応急処置、修理など、STON は迅速に対応し、中断のない生産を保証します。保証期間は設備の稼働開始日から 1 年間で、保証期間後も優遇メンテナンス サービスをご利用いただけます。故障が発生した場合、STON はビデオまたは電話を通じてリモートですぐに対応し、問題を解決します。問題を現場で解決する必要がある場合は、ユーザーの現場で最短時間で修理を完了します。
STON は研究開発投資を重視しており、常に業界の技術の最前線に立っています。当社には 20 名以上の研究開発チームがあり、毎年収益の 30% を新製品の開発と既存製品のアップグレードに投資しています。研究機関や大学との連携を通じて、市場の変化や顧客のニーズに迅速に対応できるよう、技術力を継続的に拡大しています。
STON は世界クラスの CNC 機械企業であり、認定管理企業です。品質システムに関する ISO 9001-2000 国際認証を取得した最初の企業です。同社は山東 SRDI 企業、山東ガゼル企業の称号を授与されています。さらに、100 以上の特許出願中の技術を有しています。80 か国以上で信頼されているブランドであり、当社の製品は精度、耐久性、無敵の品質で知られ、市場の基準となっています。