For this reason STON CNC turret punching machines are one of the best in the world today. They are as accurate and work with great efficiency. Using ingenious designs and sophisticated technology, our machines guarantee every punch is an accurate and genuine representation of what you require.
As a result, CNC turret technology is the special assignment for that in recent days. These have many tool stations, which allows them to switch from one tool to another quickly. They are able to make great products faster than anyone else. Because of this, it is much easier for manufacturers to keep pace with the demands of their projects.
Our CNC turret punching machines are designed to enable our customers to complete a larger volume of work in less time. They handle all matters, from very thin sheets to thick and heavy materials. These machines are punching quickly and efficiently, increasing production without compromising quality. From small parts for a project to larger panels for bigger items, we can get you everything you need produced easily and to an effective quality with our machines.
At STON we realize that time is crucial in the manufacturing industry. That is the reason why our fast CNC turret machines were made to make it much easier and quicker. They can hop quickly between tools, allowing you to complete your projects sooner than you may think. Our CNC turret machines can help you create the products you need, such as precise holes or intricate shapes. That means you can more easily find your exact specifications.
Specialist CNC Turret Technology and precision punching, cutting materials They are built with quality parts and a durable construction designed to withstand the rigors of their intended use. They also include special laser sensors that ensure everything was accurate and help prevent wasting materials. Using this technology, we are able to make very accurate and precise parts while saving the customer on material costs.
Our CNC turret machines are handcrafted and it is something we, at STON, take pride in. All of them are durable and designed to give consistent performance over time. Our machines are specialized and can be used in diverse industries such as aerospace, medical etc. Our goal is to provide quality products that meet and will exceed our customer's expectation. This dedication ensures our clients win on their projects and businesses.
U slučaju kvara, naši će tehničari brzo stići na mjesto kako bi ga popravili na daljinu telefonom ili videom. Ukoliko se mora riješiti na licu mjesta i mi ćemo biti kod korisnika u najkraćem mogućem roku.
STON naglašava ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj i uvijek je u korak s tehnološkim napretkom u industriji. Ima tim za istraživanje i razvoj od više od 20 ljudi. Svake godine 30% iznosa prihoda ulažemo u razvoj novih proizvoda, kao i nadogradnju postojećih proizvoda. Nastavljamo širiti svoje tehnološke horizonte kroz suradnju sa sveučilištima i drugim istraživačkim institucijama kako bismo brzo odgovorili na promjene tržišta i zahtjeve kupaca.
STON is an international CNC machinery company and an accredited Management Enterprise. It is the first one to achieve ISO 9001:2000 international quality certification and was awarded the titles of Shandong SRDI Enterprise and Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. It also has over 100 patented technologies. Our products, trusted by over 80 countries have been recognized for their exceptional precision, dependability and outstanding craftsmanship. They set the bar in the industry.
STON koristi više metoda kontrole kvalitete tijekom cijelog proizvodnog procesa. To uključuje inspekcije materijala i ispitivanja u procesu zajedno s inspekcijom konačnog proizvoda. STON osigurava da je svaki dio opreme testiran prema međunarodnim standardima i da je u skladu s njima.