In many factories, punching is a pretty significant job. It makes things like the tags you see on clothes and parts that are used in computers. Punching is a large step into creating a lot of good products we use on a daily basis. But it can be very difficult and time-consuming to do this job by hand. We use a special machine called an automatic punching to do this. It's a high-speed machine that punches holes in bulk and it simplifies the entire process!
Or, when workers need to manually punch things, it can cause them to feel exhausted and weathered. This fatigue can slow the efficiency of the factory and can also lead to errors. So imagine if you tried to do the same thing again and again and again without taking a break — it’s exhausting! An automatic punch press is something else. It helps punch things quickly and correctly without tiring using computers. This machine can be programmed to punch at certain times, and it does so with extreme accuracy, meaning that it can place its punch exactly where it needs to each time.
Automatic punch presses are engineered to save time and enhance factory performance. They can be adapted to carry out different tasks depending on the needs. That means they can have various tools to manipulate a wide range of materials from metal to plastic and beyond. The wonders of these machines are that they can run for hours without requiring any breaks. That would make them ideal for factories that need to produce large numbers of goods quickly and efficiently.
It is expensive to pay workers to punch things by hand. Finding and training new workers to do the same job, particularly when it is doing repetitive things, can also be quite hard. Automatic punch presses can save money by eliminating the need for many workers to punch by hand. And with this machine, factories can invest their funds into more important aspects such as materials purchases and energy expenses. Each of STON’s automatic punch presses are unique products designed to assist factories in reducing costs while producing quality goods people need at maintenance-free as possible.
However if you punching by hand, there is always a probability of making a mistake. These mistakes lead to issues with end products, and correcting them can prove extremely costly. Well, factories may even have to recollect the wrongly manufactured products, which is a much bigger issue! This is where automatic punch presses come into play because they puncture with the same force and precision every single time. They employ high technology with special sensors and computer programs to ensure that every punched part is punched out accurately and conforms to the required standards.
Bilo da se radi o puštanju u rad instalacije opreme, brzom popravku ili popravcima, STON reagira brzo kako bi zajamčio neprekinutu proizvodnju. Trajanje jamstva je jedna godina od datuma kada je oprema puštena u rad, a još uvijek možete uživati u povlaštenim uslugama održavanja nakon isteka jamstvenog roka. U slučaju kvara STON će odmah reagirati i riješiti problem na daljinu putem videa ili telefona. Ako se problem mora riješiti na licu mjesta, popravak će biti dovršen na mjestu korisnika u najkraćem mogućem roku.
STON stavlja snažan naglasak na ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj i uvijek je na čelu tehnologije u industriji. Imamo tim za istraživanje i razvoj od više od 20 ljudi. Svake godine ulažemo 30% našeg prihoda u razvoj novih proizvoda, kao i u nadogradnju postojećih. Kroz našu suradnju s istraživanjima i sveučilištima nastavljamo širiti naše tehnološke mogućnosti kako bismo mogli brzo odgovoriti na promjene tržišta i potrebe kupaca.
Tijekom proizvodnog procesa, STON provodi višestruke mjere kontrole kvalitete, uključujući inspekcije materijala, testiranje u procesu i testiranje konačnog proizvoda. STON osigurava da svaki komad opreme zadovoljava međunarodne standarde kvalitete i prolazi rigorozna testiranja prije isporuke. Nadalje, pružamo prilagođena rješenja za posebne zahtjeve naših klijenata kako bismo im pomogli u povećanju učinkovitosti proizvodnje uz smanjenje operativnih troškova.
STON je globalna tvrtka za CNC strojeve i certificirana tvrtka za upravljanje. Prva je koja je dobila međunarodnu certifikaciju sustava kvalitete ISO 9001:2000 i dobila titulu Shandong SRDI Enterprise i Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Također ima preko 100 patentiranih tehnologija. Oslanjajući se na više od 80 zemalja, naši su proizvodi prepoznati po svojoj neusporedivoj preciznosti, pouzdanosti i nenadmašnoj izradi, što postavlja standard u industriji.