Qu'est-ce qu'une poinçonneuse industrielle. It’s a very powerful machine that contributes to making tons of things we use every single day. Examples include cans that hold our food and drinks, car pieces ensuring our cars stay on the road leading to appliances such as fridges and microwaves! Among them, the STON commercial punch press is among the finest machines. And this machine can help transform the way products are manufactured in many factories, making the process quicker and more efficient.
The punch presses we use are industrial, powerful machines. They can punch, stamp and shape metal into a myriad of shapes. In other words, they have the power to take a flat piece of metal and turn it into something useful, such as a car part. They are employed in factories worldwide to assist with the production of the products we all use daily. The STON industrial punch press is particularly robust due to the fact that it features a strong motor. That's the motor. So this is what enables the machine to punch through rigidity materials, and this gives very efficient in manufacturing.
Before punch presses, manufacturing products took much longer. Many of the tasks needed to be done by hand, which made the process lengthy — and often costly. How would you feel about plasma explosion tests made without machines? One component alone would take ages to build. Now products can be produced by a punch press, at a much faster rate. For instance, the STON punch press is capable of producing 100,000+ parts every single day. And it’s that speed that allows factories to operate more efficiently and profitably, producing more at a faster rate and with a lower margin of error.
Factories can be dangerous places to work at times, but contemporary punch presses boast many safety features. The STON punch press has additional safety measures that protect workers while the machine is in operation. For example, it actually utilizes sensors and other smart technologies to track and monitor the movements of the machine. This means if something goes wrong, the machine can quickly shut down to avoid an accident. Factories can ensure safety for their workers if they take these safety measures seriously and create a conducive working environment.
Punch presses can enhance the flow of production lines and are one of the better avenues to efficiency. This can speed up the product-building process and reduce costly errors by automating many of the tasks that were once carried out manually. The STON poinçonneuse industrielle excels at making precise movements. This means it can create identical parts, consistently and perfectly every time — a crucial process in manufacturing. If parts are made correctly, the production process moves along smoothly and minimizes waste.
Punch presses have been instrumental in shaping many new process of manufacture. They’re helping to create a variety of products that we take for granted — from food and beverage cans to components that make cars to medical devices that help keep people healthy. With advances in punch press technology, we can only imagine how far we have to go with punch press automotive and beyond. This is a good thing, as new functions and enhancements in our everyday lives are coming!
STON est une société internationale de machines CNC et une entreprise de gestion agréée. Elle a été la première entreprise au monde à obtenir la certification internationale ISO 9001-2000 pour les systèmes de qualité. L'entreprise a également reçu le titre d'entreprise Shandong SRDI et d'entreprise Shandong Gazelle. Elle possède également plus de 100 technologies en instance de brevet. Approuvés par plus de 80 pays, nos produits sont connus pour leur précision, leur fiabilité et leur qualité imbattables, établissant ainsi la norme sur le marché.
En cas de panne, nos techniciens interviendront immédiatement sur place pour réparer à distance par vidéo ou par téléphone. Si le problème doit être résolu sur place, nous serons sur place dans les plus brefs délais.
STON utilise diverses méthodes pour contrôler la qualité tout au long du processus de fabrication. Elles comprennent des inspections des matériaux et des tests en cours de processus ainsi que la vérification finale des produits. Nous nous assurons que chaque article répond aux normes internationales de qualité et passe des tests rigoureux avant la livraison. De plus, nous proposons des solutions personnalisées en fonction des exigences particulières de nos clients pour les aider à accroître l'efficacité de la production et à réduire les coûts d'exploitation.
STON met l'accent sur l'investissement en R&D et est toujours à la pointe des avancées technologiques du secteur. Elle dispose d'une équipe de R&D de plus de 20 personnes. Chaque année, nous investissons 30 % de notre chiffre d'affaires dans le développement de nouveaux produits, ainsi que dans la mise à niveau de nos produits existants. Nous continuons d'élargir nos horizons technologiques grâce à la collaboration avec des universités et d'autres institutions de recherche afin de répondre rapidement aux changements du marché et aux demandes des clients.