Have you ever stared at metal and noticed small holes? BOY, these little guys sure are exciting! In a variety of ways, they make things run better. In some cases, the holes allow air or water to flow through. Sometimes they help two different materials bond. We drilled these holes with a wonderful machine — the puntzoi makina.
It is like a giant machine having dies which are very similar to the tools used in the kitchen for cooking. These tools squeeze down on metal and create nice little holes. We can think of it as a cookie cutter — for metal! The holes can also be different shapes and sizes. Some would be round, some would be square, and some would be REALLY small.
That’s because humans turn that into all kinds of it.” We also utilize computers here that we use to make the holes at our company. These computers work like intelligent assistants that specify to the machines exactly where to drill each hole. The machines go super fast and can drill a ton of holes within a matter of minutes.
By creating various patterns on the metal sheets, we can give them a fantastic finish! You can think of it like painting, but instead of a brush to dip in the paint, you have a computer! Sometimes we can also engrave words or designs on the metal. The holes can turn the metal into interesting and pretty shapes. No two metal sheets will ever look exactly the same.
Our special machines are not only for making holes. They can also assist us to create polarity of objects. It allows us to make a mini version of something to see if it might work. You know, like a model we practice before we do a very large batch. It enables us to check that things are right.
Perforated metal sheets are found in a variety of locations. They can be a small as a little plate or a large as a big box. We literally have machines that smart that can punch holes in different metal pieces. Some people build things, some do art, and some do machines.
If you want to know more about making metal sheets with holes in them, ask! We enjoy to demonstrate our special machines to people. Imagine a metalfabulous robot that can build you anything your mind can canvas.
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STONek I+G inbertsioan sinesten du eta beti mantentzen du industriako teknologiarekin eguneratuta. 20 lagunetik gorako I+G taldea dugu. Urtero gure diru-sarreren % 30 inbertitzen dugu produktu berrien garapenean, baita daudenak berritzen ere. Ikerketa eta unibertsitateekin dugun lankidetzaren bidez gure gaitasun teknologikoak zabaltzen jarraitzen dugu, merkatuko baldintzen aldaketei eta bezeroen eskaerei azkar erantzun ahal izateko.