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Txapa puntzonatzeko makina

They are equipped with a powerful hydraulic system. Zuloak zulatzea and cutting shapes in the sheets of metal with high accuracy using this system — The punch and die perform in conjunction with each other to give you your desired shape. The die provides the necessary assistance to ensure that the cut is clear and precise. On top of that, STON machines are very rugged for harsh material handling. This allows them to slice through the thickest metal sheet without fail. 

    Maximize productivity with advanced sheet metal punching technology

    These are special makinak that doesn't need a button pusher 24×7. It can be programmed and operated immediately for punching and cutting. Now, you can either focus on other tasks or even leave the machine to do its job. Confident that the machine will no longer function incorrectly. Plus, since the machines themselves are automated, they can run 24/7. 

    Why choose STON Sheet metal punching machine?

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