Hi, friends! Today we are going to see something very interesting which is CNC punching. Have you ever thought about how people create metal pieces for cars, signs and other terrific items? So, let me share with you all about a miracle machine which helps converting this into reality!
When you use CNC punching, it is like having a really clever robot assist you in crafting metal objects. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control — but hey, no need to stress about that fancy term! It just means that a computer gives a special machine instructions that tell it exactly what to do. A computer can draw a picture on a computer and the machine makes it perfect; it looks magic!
Picture that you are trying to create some sort of metal product. Maybe it’s a bicycle part, a sign for your room, or a cool decoration. You can do some cool stuff with the CNC machine! It can bore holes, shear different shapes, and even bend metal super quick. Before these machines were invented, people did all this work by hand. That made it take a very long time, and the effects were not always flawless.
These machines are the superheroes of the metals world! They are extremely precise, meaning they are capable of making tiny holes and shapes that would be nearly impossible for a person to create. The machine’s internal computer makes sure everything is calibrated. Perfect results every time - no shaky hands or mistakes!
CNC punching is arguably one of the most creative methods of manufacturing. In this, we will want to create a sign for your name. Or a special piece of metal artwork? These machines are there to make your ideas happen! They can make designs that no one else has ever done before.
Think of a gigantic beastly machine that runs muy quickly. It’s like a giant cylon working in a workshop. These machines are so intelligent that they can thump away all day and night without getting tired. They haste but carefully, ensuring that every cut and bend is right.
These machines are a hit because they save time and bring out the wow factor. The CNC machine saves hours in comparison, hand shaping or cutting metal would have taken days but can be done in minutes. Imagine having a very helpful assistant that you can ask as many questions as you want — one that doesn't get tired and never complains!
STON je mednarodno podjetje za CNC stroje in akreditirano podjetje za upravljanje. Je prvi, ki je dosegel mednarodni certifikat kakovosti ISO 9001:2000 in prejel nazive Shandong SRDI Enterprise in Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Ima tudi več kot 100 patentiranih tehnologij. Naši izdelki, ki jim zaupa več kot 80 držav, so bili priznani zaradi svoje izjemne natančnosti, zanesljivosti in izjemne izdelave. Postavljajo letvico v industriji.
Skozi celoten proizvodni proces STON izvaja več ukrepov za nadzor kakovosti, vključno s pregledi materialov, medprocesnim testiranjem in testiranjem končnega izdelka. STON zagotavlja, da vsak kos opreme ustreza mednarodnim standardom kakovosti in opravi stroga testiranja pred dostavo. Poleg tega nudimo rešitve po meri za posebne zahteve naših strank, da jim pomagamo povečati učinkovitost proizvodnje in hkrati zmanjšati operativne stroške.
V primeru okvare bodo naši tehniki hitro prispeli na lokacijo in jo popravili na daljavo po telefonu ali videu. Če ga je treba obravnavati na licu mesta in bomo pri uporabniku v najkrajšem možnem času.
STON veliko vlaga v raziskave in razvoj ter je v ospredju tehnološkega napredka. STON ima oddelek za raziskave in razvoj, ki ga sestavlja več kot 20 ljudi. Vsako leto 30 odstotkov prihodkov vložimo v ustvarjanje novih izdelkov in v nadgradnjo obstoječih. S sodelovanjem z univerzami in raziskovalnimi ustanovami še naprej širimo svoje tehnološke zmogljivosti, da zagotovimo, da se lahko hitro odzovemo na spremembe na trgu in potrebe strank.