Before we get to it, the sheet metal punch press is extremely exciting machine, which packs a lot of features. It has the ability to take a flat piece of metal and turn it into a three-dimensional object – magic. Join us as we explore the specifics of how this amazing STON kovový dierovací stroj functions and why it is paramount in numerous locations.
A sheet metal punch press is a specific type of machine facility for piercing and forming (to best suit your needs) respective kinds of metal. It consists of two predominantly parts which are punch and die. The punch works like a piston — it slams down onto the metal. A STON dierovač na plech will press against the die. They work together to form various configurations within the metal. A punch press uses large amounts of energy, usually from hydraulic systems (high-pressure water) or mechanical systems (gears and levers), to move the punch quickly downwards. Going to the fast speeds are important for making precise forms in the metal. One of the many metal punch press features that demonstrate great versatility is its ability to work on different types of metals like aluminum, steel, brass, copper, and more.
Punch presses for sheet metal play an integral role within factories and manufacturing plants. They perform similar tasks on many of the same metal components, but at high speed. Say you have a big number of the same part to do; well, the punch press would make them in minutes. It implies that time and money can be saved by factories as well. The STON stroj na dierovanie plechu is also programmed for multiple sizes and shapes, enabling companies to create customized goods. This makes it a great option for businesses to provide numerous types of items.
Punch presses are great tools for producing a variety of shapes. These can make simple shapes such as circles and squares, however they can create complex flowers, animals or fun patterns. The punch press uses a special computer programming method known as CNC (Computer Numerical Control) that can produce these designs with an extreme level of accuracy. It implies that the shapes will be very precise, which is necessary for many products that have to fit well together.
Sheet metal punch presses are ideal for firms having to manufacture customized products. As an example, if a customer desired a certain shape or size, the machine is able to be programmed for details like that. Such adaptability is crucial for businesses as it helps them to cater to the diversified needs and appetites of their consumers. Customization leads to differentiation: If you can give buyers customization options, your business has an increased chance for market space domination.
Die stamping can be really beneficial, which is why it can find its spot in various industries. They can create critical components such as brackets (load-bearing parts), covers (covering parts) and other vehicle parts, aircraft and electronic device components. Punch presses can work with many different kinds of metal, so everything from simple parts to complex products comprising hundreds of smaller pieces are made possible using punch press methods. This makes them indispensable tools in many factories, workshops.
You won’t ever get your hands on functional much more efficient punch presses that deals with sheet model steels, STON makes great machinery. Using advanced programming our machines create unique shapes and patterns that are sublimated with utmost precision and speed. Punch Press Models for All Industries and Applications In this manner, irrespective of a company requirement there can be a STON punch press to support it.
V priebehu výrobného procesu STON implementuje viaceré opatrenia na kontrolu kvality, ako sú kontroly materiálu, testy počas výroby ako aj kontrola finálneho produktu. STON zaisťuje, že každá položka spĺňa medzinárodné štandardy kvality a pred dodaním prechádza prísnym testovaním. Okrem toho poskytujeme prispôsobené riešenia podľa potrieb našich zákazníkov, aby sme pomohli zákazníkom zlepšiť efektivitu výroby a zároveň znížiť prevádzkové náklady.
Či už ide o inštaláciu zariadenia do prevádzky, rýchlu opravu alebo opravu, STON reaguje rýchlo, aby bola zaručená neprerušená výroba. Záručná doba je jeden rok od dátumu uvedenia zariadenia do prevádzky a aj po záručnej dobe môžete využívať prednostné služby údržby. V prípade poruchy STON okamžite zareaguje a problém vyrieši na diaľku prostredníctvom videa alebo telefónu. Ak je potrebné problém vyriešiť na mieste, oprava bude dokončená u používateľa v čo najkratšom čase.
STON je prvotriedna firma zaoberajúca sa CNC strojmi a certifikovaným manažérskym podnikom. Bola prvou spoločnosťou na svete, ktorá získala medzinárodnú certifikáciu ISO 9001-2000 pre systémy manažérstva kvality. Spoločnosti boli udelené aj tituly Shandong SRDI Enterprise a Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Spoločnosť je držiteľom viac ako 100 patentov. Naše produkty podporované viac ako 80 krajinami sú uznávané pre ich presnosť, spoľahlivosť a výnimočné remeselné spracovanie. Sú to štandardy na trhu.
STON kladie veľký dôraz na investície do výskumu a vývoja a je vždy v súlade s priemyselnými technológiami, má tím výskumu a vývoja, ktorý má viac ako 20 členov. Každý rok investujeme 30 % z príjmov do vytvárania nových produktov a zlepšovania produktov, ktoré sa už používajú. Pokračujeme v rozširovaní našich technologických obzorov prostredníctvom spolupráce s univerzitami a inými výskumnými inštitúciami, aby sme mohli rýchlo reagovať na zmeny na trhu a požiadavky zákazníkov.