The right tools are very important when you are making things like toys, books, clothes, etc. This tool is a Cnc Turret Punching Machine, and it helps a lot. A hole punching machine is a large robotic maker that punches holes (or shapes) into va...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХFlexible bending centers are super awesome machines that make factories produce all sorts of things better and quicker. Here are five unique features of STON's machines that you should know about.With these Intelligent Flexible Bending Center&nb...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХThey are press brakes, and they are cool factory machines that we mainly use to bend metal. Have you ever wondered how automotive parts, household appliances such as refrigerators, or even large signs are manufactured so accurately? Data is the found...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХDo you ever wonder how things are manufactured in large factories? It's pretty interesting. An automatic punching machine is one such important used machine to make multiple products in high numbers and in an accurate way, These are mechanical beasts...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХToday, we discuss technology and its impact on bending sheet metal. This novel method of bending metal is called Intelligent Flexible Bending Center. This is enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) and robots, Now lets see how these awesome technolog...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХMetalworking is an industry that works tirelessly to streamline the inconvenient aspects of the production process. A possible method you can use is to punch things. Damage Assistants Punch machines are special tools used to quickly and accurately cu...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХHello, kids. Today, we will discuss a few key considerations you should make when working with press brakes. Press Brake— a machinery that allows you to bend and shape metal. They are powerful machines, but they could also be dangerous if ...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХIt is hard, dirty work to make things out of metal, but having the proper tools makes it a whole lot easier. A Press Brake is one very important but precious tool for shaping metal. The press brake is a special machine that bends metal sheets to...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХХэвлэлийн тоормос нь металл боловсруулах үйлдвэрлэлийн салбарт чухал байр суурь эзэлдэг машин юм. Энэ нь металл хавтанг янз бүрийн тохиргоонд нугалах буюу нугалах зарчмаар ажилладаг. Дэлгүүрийнхээ хамгийн сайн даралтын тоормосыг сонгох нь төвөгтэй бөгөөд...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХCNC цамхаг цоолтуурын машин нь металл хуудсан дээр нүх, хэлбэр үүсгэх тусгай машин юм. Эдгээр машинууд нь металл боловсруулах салбарт чухал ач холбогдолтой байсан бөгөөд энэ нь бидний янз бүрийн хэлбэрээр ашигладаг бүтээгдэхүүний үеийг бий болгоход хүргэсэн. Нэг чухал хэсэг нь...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХFlexible bending centers are a key innovation in metal processing that has completely transformed the industry over the last few years. This machinery has completely altered the way we manufacture products, enabling new levels of control and a higher...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХБиднийг хүмүүс хэрхэн бүтээдэг талаар бодоход энэ нь одоогийн бидний хийж байгаагаас тэс өөр байсан. Тэд өөрсдийн гараар, үндсэн багаж хэрэгслээр юм бүтээсэн. Жишээлбэл, хэрэв хэн нэгэн төмөр дээр нүх гаргахыг хүсвэл п...