Does the fresh aroma of clean clothes call your name but you find folding them is nothing short of manual labor? Tired of wasting a half hour trying to fold up that big mountain laundry? If so, don't worry! Wonderful solution STON makes your life much easier. After all, with a folding machine, you can get the job done quickly and easily without any hassle!
Think about it — instead of countless hours slaving over a mountain of laundry you can just put this beast in the corner and let it do its thing! Say goodbye to the difficulty of folding fitted sheets or large stacks of jeans! These machines are capable of folding clothes types with any variable inherent in the nature of shape, making it really versatile. They also use different types of fabric, including cotton, polyester and etc. These machines are good for everyone, whether you have a large family with lots of laundry or live alone or only have some clothes. They are great for people living in a really small area, such as a small apartment, because they maintain the tidiness of your clothes and cut the time you need to walk back and forth between your home and closet.
With STON's all new automatic folding machines Vörur, you will be able to neatly fold all of your clothes in a matter of minutes with just the press of a button. Now, say goodbye to wrinkles and heaps of clothes on the bedroom floor. Say farewell to hand-folding and welcomed a more relaxed existence with time to devote to the activities you love!
Now, you can fold your clothes perfectly in no time at all with STON folding machines! Each of these machines uses a distinct folding method and style ensuring that every component is folded appropriately. They can also be set for various fabric types, so regardless of what all your clothes are made of, you can easily fold like a pro. That means, you can treat your laundry as a professional to make it attractive and beautifully done.
A folding machine is an excellent solution if you want your house to appear clean, neat and orderly but continually have difficulty keeping your laundry under control. Such devices can make a system that you get to store all your garments in one spot, crease them all up and keep them arranged by type — whether shirts, jeans or stockings.
Having a STON Greindur sveigjanlegur beygjustöð at home and using it every day is definitely your smart choice. It will help you keep your clothing organized and your dressers and closets free from clutter. For example, this will make it incredibly easy when you want to wear those clothes whenever needed. Moreover, Cnc virkisturn gatavél can save you a lot of time and costs due to their long-term efficiency. This will free up your schedule so you can spend less time doing laundry plus that way it frees you from having to fork over money to someone else for folding your clothes – and believe me, that costs money fast!
Today, where everybody is busy and a little lazy to manage the time. You can achieve just that with your folding machines. STON: If your laundry needs folding in going then STON machines can fold them for you in minutes. Certainly, it will help you spend less time folding clothes and more time doing what you really like to do, which could be playing a sport, reading or just hanging out with your friends and family.
STON notar margvíslegar aðferðir til að stjórna gæðum í öllu framleiðsluferlinu. Þetta felur í sér skoðanir á efnum og prófanir í ferlinu ásamt lokaprófun vöru. Við tryggjum að hver vara uppfylli alþjóðlega gæðastaðla og standist ströng próf fyrir afhendingu. Ennfremur bjóðum við upp á sérsniðnar lausnir í samræmi við kröfur hvers viðskiptavinar til að aðstoða þá við að auka framleiðslu skilvirkni og draga úr rekstrarkostnaði.
STON leggur mikla áherslu á fjárfestingar í rannsóknum og þróun og er alltaf á toppi tækniframfara á markaðnum. STON er með R&D teymi með meira en 20 starfsmenn. Á hverju ári fjárfestum við 30 prósent af tekjum okkar í að búa til nýjar vörur og nútímavæðingu vara sem þegar eru í notkun. Við erum stöðugt að auka tæknilega getu okkar með samstarfi við rannsóknarháskóla og aðrar stofnanir til að geta brugðist hratt við markaðsbreytingum og kröfum viðskiptavina.
STON is a world-class CNC machinery enterprise and a certified management enterprise. It was the first company to obtain the ISO 9001-2000 international certification for quality systems. The company has been granted the titles of Shandong SRDI Enterprise, and Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Additionally, it has 100+ patent-pending technologies. It is a trusted brand in more than 80 countries, our products are known for their precision, durability and unbeatable quality, setting the bar in the market.
Hvort sem um er að ræða uppsetningu búnaðar, skyndilausn eða viðgerðir, bregst STON hratt við til að tryggja samfellda framleiðslu. Ábyrgðartíminn er eitt ár frá þeim degi sem búnaðurinn er tekinn í notkun og þú getur enn notið ívilnandi viðhaldsþjónustu eftir ábyrgðartímabilið. Ef bilun kemur upp mun STON tafarlaust bregðast við til að leysa málið með fjartengingu í gegnum myndband eða síma. Ef bregðast þarf við vandamálinu á staðnum verður viðgerðinni lokið á staðnum notandans á eins stuttum tíma og mögulegt er.