Here at STON, we manufacture sheets on the finest machines which produce best quality of sheets. We operate our machines at faster speeds and it allows us to produce sheets rapidly, while retaining the aesthetic quality and robustness. Our customers want their orders to be done as fast as possible, hence we have designed our machines keeping efficiency in mind. In other words, we can create countless sheets in no time to desire without compromising quality.
When it comes to sheet-making machines, we own the latest technology. With this special technology, we are able to make sheets that suit what our customers want perfectly. Using proprietary software, we instruct the machines on how to create the sheets precisely per our clients’ specifications. More importantly, it allows us to manufacture customized sheets as per every customer's unique requirement, be it a particular size, a specific color, or a specific thickness.
The versatility of our sheet-making machines is one of their greatest strengths. That way, we can tailor our sheets to what our customers require. If you prefer a certain size, thickness, or kind of material, we can build the sheet accordingly. Every business has unique requirements and that is why we collaborate with our customers to determine the finest sheets to suit their business needs. This allows us to create your machine the way you want so you get the sheets you need for your business.
At STON, we handle the entire process of creating sheets from start to finish. This means that we oversee all aspects starting with the raw materials that we use, and ending with the delivered sheets. This allows us to guarantee high-quality sheets in a timely manner since we are in charge of the whole process. Every step of production is monitored to ensure every sheet is perfectly made by our team of experts. It is this level of concerted effort that leads to the delivery of better products to our customers.
At STON we have a goal of generating a broad amount of excellent sheets. Our machines run like a top, and they make really good sheets. We have a highly experienced team who see that everything flows smoothly during the entire production process. As we think of our customers satisfaction, we always try to be better with each order. We want to go above and beyond and if you focus on new sheets all the time, we hope you would be amazed by what we've got for you!
STON sangat percaya pada investasi R&D dan selalu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi terkini dalam industri ini. Perusahaan ini memiliki tim R&D dengan lebih dari 20 karyawan. Setiap tahun kami menginvestasikan 30% dari pendapatan untuk pengembangan produk baru, serta modernisasi produk yang sudah digunakan. Melalui kerja sama dengan lembaga penelitian dan universitas, kami terus memperluas kemampuan teknologi kami sehingga kami dapat dengan cepat menanggapi perubahan pasar dan kebutuhan pelanggan.
STON adalah perusahaan permesinan CNC internasional dan Perusahaan Manajemen yang terakreditasi. Perusahaan ini merupakan perusahaan pertama yang meraih sertifikasi ISO untuk sistem mutu internasional 9001:2000 dan dianugerahi gelar Shandong SRDI Enterprise dan Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Perusahaan ini juga memiliki 100+ teknologi yang sedang dalam proses paten. Produk kami, yang dipercaya oleh lebih dari 80 negara, terkenal akan akurasi, keandalan, dan pengerjaannya yang unggul. Produk kami adalah standar dalam industri ini.
STON menggunakan beberapa metode untuk mengendalikan kualitas di seluruh proses produksi. Ini termasuk pemeriksaan material dan pengujian selama proses berlangsung, serta pengujian produk akhir. Kami memastikan bahwa setiap peralatan sesuai dengan standar kualitas internasional dan lulus uji ketat sebelum pengiriman. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan solusi khusus untuk kebutuhan pelanggan guna membantu mereka meningkatkan efisiensi produksi sekaligus mengurangi biaya operasional.
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