Sheet metal: if you've ever had to work with it, you know that even the smallest bend can ruin everything your project was trying to accomplish. This is why being equipped with the right tools is so essential! The proper tool can make your life a lot easier and better. For perfectly bending metal any way you need it, a sheet metal panel bender tool makes one of the best options.
A sheet metal panel bender is a specific tool that allows you to bend sheets of metal to certain shapes and angles. It is an essential tool for every metal worker. If you are someone who works professionally producing metal products, as well as just someone who enjoys working with metal as a hobby, a sheet metal panel bender can make a difference. This enables you to generate both very clean and sharp bends which are exactly what you need for a project to be successfully completed.
Introducing the STON, a thriving family owned business specializing in the distribution and sale of high quality xafla puntzoia. Excellent & Solid Construction:Our panel benders are constructed of heavy-duty material, so they are designed to give you with the lasting service. Whenever you incorporate them into your projects, you have the assurance that they'll work seamlessly. With a reliable tool, you can worry less about the possibility it may let you down and can concentrate more on the work at hand.
If you are dealing with sheet metal, you need an accurate tool that you can rely on to do the right job. Bending metal leaves little room for error and even small mistakes will come back to haunt you. Whether you're bending simple pieces or doing more complex work, rest assured that your bends will always be accurate and precise with a STON sheet metal panel bender.
We equipped our panel benders to help you be smart, not hard. They offer some features such as adjustable backstops and stop rods that help you get just the right angle for every bend. Hence, you can guarantee that your end product will look exactly how you envisaged it. Our panel benders feature simple controls, so even if you are a metalworking novice, you can get great results without throwing something across the room!
Digital readouts ensure your bends are perfectly accurate by thousandths of an inch. This level of precision is imperative for projects where every single detail is consequential. And with the panel benders you can save multiple bend programs. Further, you can run one model, and then try the other one, without ever needing to reprogram your machine.
Our panel benders are engineered for ease of use so that your users can set the ideal bend position with intuitive controls at maximum speed on the bend. We encourage you to look at the quality and precision of STON panel bender, you will realize that after you use a STON panel bender, your work will be easier and happier. Plus, Quality has a lot to do with durability, and our STON panel bender is assured of enduring for years even with daily use.
STONek hainbat metodo erabiltzen ditu ekoizpen prozesu osoan kalitatea kontrolatzeko. Horrek materialaren ikuskapenak eta prozesuan zehar egindako probak barne hartzen ditu, baita azken produktuaren probak ere. Ekipamendu bakoitza nazioarteko kalitate estandarrekin bat datorrela ziurtatzen dugu eta entregatu aurretik proba zorrotzak gainditzen dituela ziurtatzen dugu. Horrez gain, gure bezeroen beharrei irtenbide pertsonalizatuak ere ematen dizkiegu, produkzio-eraginkortasuna hobetzen laguntzeko, eragiketa-kostuak murrizten dituzten bitartean.
STON CNC makineriaren negozio globala da eta kudeaketa enpresa ziurtatua da. ISO 9001:2000 nazioarteko kalitate sistemaren ziurtagiria lortu zuen lehena da eta Shandong SRDI Enterprise eta Shandong Gazelle Enterprise titulua lortu zuen. Gainera, patentatutako 100 teknologia baino gehiago ditu. 80 herrialde baino gehiagotan konfiantza izanda, gure produktuak zehaztasun, fidagarritasun eta lan paregabeagatik aitortzen dira, industrian estandarra ezartzen duena.
STONek I+G inbertitzen du eta industriako aurrerapen teknologikoen gainean jarraitzen du. 20 pertsona baino gehiagok osatutako I+G talde bat du. Urtero gure diru-sarreren ehuneko 30 produktu berrien garapenean eta lehendik dauden produktuak berritzen inbertitzen dugu. Etengabe zabaltzen ari gara gure horizonte teknologikoak unibertsitateekin eta beste ikerketa-erakunde batzuekin lankidetzan, merkatuaren eta kontsumitzaileen eskakizunen aldaketei azkar erantzuteko.
Hutsik egonez gero, gure teknikariak berehala iritsiko dira tokira urrunetik konpontzera bideo edo telefono bidez. Arazoa gunean konpondu behar bada eta denbora laburrenean erabiltzailearen gunean egongo gara.