We know that the right tools matter at STON. Good tools help you work faster and better. This is why we are delighted to introduce you to our incredible metal hole punch press. This special tool enables you to punch perfect holes in metal materials without trouble. This hole punch machine will surely help you in these jobs whether it is for a project that you are doing for school or something at home.
Heavy Duty Durable Metal Hole Punch Machine The Atlasonix V450 is made with premium quality material that can bear lots of work without any crack. That means it can work for a wide variety of jobs. So when you choose a hole puncher from us, you can be sure of getting the job done even if your tasks are also tough ahead. You want to be able to use it for a long time, and we made it just for you, we made it because we want you to be able to use it, we made it durable and reliable so that it does not wear out and give you no trouble of it wearing out quickly.
Ever tried putting holes in thick metal? It might be a very hard and frustration! However, with our heavy-duty metal hole puncher machine, you can go through the thickest metals with ease. It provides a heavy punch mechanism to make your holes easily. It doesn’t get stuck or you don’t have to grind when you use it. It is smooth and fast, so you can complete your projects in less time and be proud of your efforts.
I know you're a beginner or you've never used a sheet metal hole punch but trust me, our machine is very easy for anyone to use. It has a clean and straightforward design that allows you to make neat, precise cuts every time. You need not worry about making mistakes. And it’s designed to be comfortable to hold, so your hands won’t get fatigued or hurt, even if you use it for a long time. So you can have fun with your dope creation without any pains.
If you enjoy doing DIY projects, you know how crucial it is to have the correct tools. Perfect for all sorts of projects is our metal hole punch machine. If you are making holes in metal for home repairs, building something fun, or even want to create custom metal jewelry, this hole puncher is the tool for the job. It is extremely versatile and useful for so many ideas!
STON CNC makineria nazioarteko enpresa bat da eta Kudeaketa Enpresa homologatua. Kalitate sistemen ISO 9001-2000 nazioarteko ziurtagiria lortu zuen munduko lehen enpresa izan zen. Enpresari Shandong SRDI Enterprise eta Shandong Gazelle Enterprise titulua ere eman diote. Gainera, patentearen zain dauden 100 teknologia baino gehiago ditu. 80 herrialde baino gehiagoren konfiantzaz, gure produktuak bere zehaztasun paregabeagatik, fidagarritasunagatik eta kalitate paregabeagatik ezagunak dira, merkatuan marka ezarriz.
STONek hainbat kalitate kontrolatzeko teknika erabiltzen ditu fabrikazio prozesu osoan. Materialen ikuskapenak eta prozesuan egindako probak eta azken produktuaren ikuskapena barne hartzen dituzte. Produktu bakoitzak kalitatearen nazioarteko estandarrak betetzen dituela eta entregatu aurretik proba zorrotzak egiten dituela ziurtatzen dugu. Gainera, gure bezeroen eskakizun partikularretan oinarritutako soluzio pertsonalizatuak eskaintzen ditugu, produktibitatea hobetzen eta funtzionamendu kostuak murrizten laguntzeko.
STONek I+G inbertsioa azpimarratzen du eta industriako aurrerapen teknologikoen gainean dago beti. 20 lagunetik gorako I+G taldea du. Urtero, gure diru-sarreren % 30 produktu berrien garapenean inbertitzen dugu, baita lehendik dauden produktuak berritzen ere. Gure horizonte teknologikoak zabaltzen jarraitzen dugu unibertsitateekin eta beste ikerketa-erakunde batzuekin lankidetzan, merkatuaren eta bezeroen eskakizunen aldaketei azkar erantzuteko.
Ekipoen instalazioa martxan jartzeko, konfiguratzeko edo larrialdietarako konponketetarako orduan, STONek azkar erantzuten du etenik gabeko ekoizpena bermatzeko. Bermearen iraupena urtebetekoa da, ekipoa martxan jartzen den egunetik aurrera. Berme-epearen ostean mesedegarriagoak diren mantentze-abantailez ere aprobetxatu ahal izango duzu. Huts egiten bada gure taldea berehala egongo da arazoa urrunetik konpontzeko telefonoz edo bideoz. Lekuan ahalik eta azkarren egongo gara tokian bertan konponketa behar izanez gero.