They are a really neat tool you can use to make your projects faster and easier. A automatisierte Blechbiegemaschine is a special type of bending machine. Metal sheets are formed using this machining with very high precision and consistency. Brand STON is a company that knows the importance of having the right tools for every job. So, in this article, we will discuss why it makes perfect sense to use a sheet metal bending machine!
When folding metal sheets by hand, it can be difficult to get everything right. The bends aren’t always perfect, and sometimes that creates problems. But when it comes to a sheet metal bending machine, it gives us the capability to make perfect bends every time. In the process, the machine will hold the metal sheet still tight, and use a folding blade to push and generate the bending. This allows for properly placing the angle of the bend to our desired specifications. This means that what we produce is correct for the specifications we must fulfill.
Sheets Metal Bending Machine: 7 Of The Most Amazing Things About They Are Capable Of They can also do a variety of different bending jobs— from simple bends to more complex shapes and designs. Other machines are powerful enough to handle thick and dense materials, making them ideal for tough and heavy-duty functioning. Plenty of diverse industries can be found that use machines (such as construction sites and automotive factories) and even aerospace. Without them, operators could not create many different products, as they are a fundamental part of any fabrication facility, bending metal sheets of all sizes and all types.
You work with new data after October 2023. They can perform the bending tasks typically done manually, freeing workers to complete more critical objectives. The machine speeds up the repetition process, instead of employing manual labor to repeat the same bending multiple times. This automation also boosts production as the machine can manufacture parts at a much faster rate than human workers. In addition, it reduces the risk of injuries in the work place by using a sheet metal bending machine. As the machine does the lifting and bending, workers are free to focus on other elements of their work safely.
Consistency is essential in the manufacture of metal parts by businesses. Quality leans on consistency. Sheet metal bending machines help us do that because they bend metal sheets in the exact same way, time and time again. This means that we do not make mistakes that can result from bending sheets of metal by hand (leading to different results every time). With a machine that we know we can trust, we can guarantee that the quality of the products we ship will always meet customer expectations.
There are several notable advantages that your company will enjoy with investing in a sheet metal bending machine. This machine can boost productivity, which means more profits in the long run. When your people get things done faster and more efficiently, it often means more money for the business. Second, these know-how’s can help assure that, together with everybody else, that the workplace is safer, chopping down on accidents. The third reason is a sheet metal bending machine enables you to create quality output consistently and bring joy to the customers who will keep on visiting you for more. Finally, these machines are fast and precise, allowing you to manufacture faster with fewer mistakes. This results in faster lead times, which is ideal for business, as well as very high ROI. This incredible machine is even more versatile and useful by being able to process a huge range of metal sheet thicknesses and formats.
STON legt großen Wert auf Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung und ist immer auf dem neuesten Stand der technologischen Entwicklung in der Branche. Das Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteam besteht aus über 20 Mitarbeitern. Jedes Jahr investieren wir 30 % unseres Umsatzes in die Entwicklung neuer Produkte sowie in die Verbesserung unserer bestehenden Produkte. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Universitäten und anderen Forschungseinrichtungen erweitern wir unseren technologischen Horizont kontinuierlich, um schnell auf Veränderungen des Marktes und der Kundenanforderungen reagieren zu können.
STON ist ein internationales CNC-Maschinenunternehmen und ein anerkanntes Managementunternehmen. Es war das erste Unternehmen weltweit, das die internationale ISO 9001-2000-Zertifizierung für Qualitätssysteme erhielt. Das Unternehmen wurde außerdem mit den Titeln Shandong SRDI Enterprise und Shandong Gazelle Enterprise ausgezeichnet. Es verfügt außerdem über mehr als 100 zum Patent angemeldete Technologien. Unsere Produkte werden in über 80 Ländern geschätzt und sind für ihre unübertroffene Präzision, Zuverlässigkeit und unschlagbare Qualität bekannt, die Maßstäbe auf dem Markt setzt.
Während des gesamten Produktionsprozesses führt STON zahlreiche Qualitätskontrollmaßnahmen durch, wie z. B. Materialprüfungen, Tests während der Produktion sowie eine Endkontrolle des Produkts. STON stellt sicher, dass jeder Artikel den internationalen Qualitätsstandards entspricht und vor der Auslieferung strengen Tests unterzogen wird. Darüber hinaus bieten wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen entsprechend den Anforderungen unserer Kunden, um sie dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Produktionseffizienz zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Betriebskosten zu senken.
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