In a factory, when we produce things, there are lots of machines we use to make things. One of the essential machines that are helpful in this process is the CNC turret press. To put it simply, at STON we think a CNC turret press can do wonders in optimizing our manufacturing process for various products. So how does this machine work, and why is it so valuable?
CNC turret press used to fold, shape, and bend sheets of metal into complex shapes. It does this using a computer program that gives the machine precise instructions on what to do. This program manages tools that rotate around a circular component, known as a turret. These tools can range from punches that create holes, dies that cut shapes and other cutting tools. When these tools are so used, the CNC turret press has the potential of producing large numbers of identical metal parts from sheets.
A CNC turret press has many benefits that make it a great factory choice. Another huge pro is that precision and accuracy to a very high degree are provided when making products. A computer program inside the machine makes it possible for an assembly line machine to do the same job perfectly, every time. This means that every part produced will be identical to the previous one. This reduces errors and helps us create better quality products.
The biggest reason for using a CNC turret press is its wonderful precision. This means that the machine can grind or mold parts exactly how they have to be. For instance, if we need a part cut to a specific size or shape, then the CNC turret press can produce that to the exact specifications. This results in products that are more consistent and higher quality. Since everything fits perfectly, it is easy to assemble them into the final products.
Using a CNC turret press has another great advantage, it can help factories accelerate their work. Your device will work non-stop and not require breaks. That way, it can continue to work even while workers go on their breaks. The CNC turret press can also be programmed to run automatically, so it can operate while no one is there to watch it. This never-ending ability to operate without stopping saves time and cost in item production.
There are some critical factors that one needs to keep in mind when selecting the right CNC turret press. To begin, the first thing you will want to consider is the form and volume of the parts you wish to manufacture. You should also factor in how many parts you will need to make,” Not every machine can do every amount and type of work. You should also consider what materials you will be working with, as different machines are more compatible with certain types of metal than others.
We consider that there is a CNC turret press for all types of manufacturing situations at STON. So whether you have a hand-basing factory that produces few products or a large factory having numerous range of production, we can provide you the machine that best suits your working standards. Our experts are very well versed in these and can help you make the best decision.
STON gebruik 'n verskeidenheid metodes om kwaliteit regdeur die produksieproses te beheer. Dit sluit in inspeksies van materiaal en toetsing in die proses saam met finale produkverifikasie. Ons verseker dat elke produk voldoen aan internasionale standaarde vir kwaliteit en slaag streng toetse voor aflewering. Verder verskaf ons pasgemaakte oplossings volgens die vereistes van elke kliënt om hulle te help om produksiedoeltreffendheid te verhoog en bedryfskoste te verminder.
Wanneer dit kom by die installering van toerusting, opstel, of selfs noodherstelwerk, reageer STON vinnig om ononderbroke produksie te waarborg. Die waarborgduur is een jaar met die datum waarop die toerusting in werking tree. Jy sal ook kan baat vind by instandhoudingsvoordele wat gunstiger is na die waarborgtydperk. In geval van mislukking sal ons span onmiddellik daar wees om die probleem op afstand op te los via telefoon of video. Ons sal so gou as moontlik by die plek wees in die geval dat dit herstelwerk op die perseel benodig.
STON is 'n internasionale CNC-masjineriemaatskappy en 'n geakkrediteerde Bestuursonderneming. Dit is die eerste een wat ISO 9001:2000 internasionale kwaliteitsertifisering behaal het en is bekroon met die titels van Shandong SRDI Enterprise en Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Dit het ook meer as 100 gepatenteerde tegnologieë. Ons produkte, wat deur meer as 80 lande vertrou word, is erken vir hul uitsonderlike akkuraatheid, betroubaarheid en uitstaande vakmanskap. Hulle het die maatstaf in die bedryf gestel.
STON plaas 'n sterk klem op R&D-belegging en is altyd aan die voorpunt van die tegnologie van die bedryf. Ons het 'n R&D-span van meer as 20 mense. Ons belê elke jaar 30% van ons inkomste om nuwe produkte te ontwikkel, asook om bestaande op te gradeer. Deur ons samewerking met navorsing en universiteite gaan ons voort om ons tegnologiese vermoëns uit te brei sodat ons vinnig kan reageer op markveranderinge en klantebehoeftes.