Our workers are highly skilled, and specialize in making metal masterpieces. They can take your designs and produce literal metal pieces that no one will have. So if you need a specific sign for your business, a one-of-a-kind jewelry piece that no one else has, or a custom metal part for your machine, we can help you get exactly what you want.
We have advanced tools and cool techniques that let us cut, bend, and shape metal sheets to make anything you desire. Be sure the possibilities are limitless! In addition to metals, we also handle various materials such as aluminum. Each type of metal has its unique properties, and we can help you find the right one for your project. We want to create gorgeous pieces that stand the test of time.
We focus on individualistic high quality work at STON metal works. We meticulously focus on every detail of each and every metal piece so that we can deliver exactly what you have envisioned. From the initial design to the final product, we collaborate throughout the entire process with you to guarantee that all of your specifications are met and you are satisfied with the outcome.
Crafted using only the highest quality materials and tools for your pieces. That's very important because this makes sure that they're the strongest, most durable, highest quality, and they'll last. With our specialized cutting methods, we are able to quickly create intricate designs that make sure your metal parts pop and shine.
We will partner with you to truly uncover the needs. We want to ensure that your metal is given the proper attention, and that we will tailor the construction to your needs. We can produce metal components instantly, in any volume, we can produce a one-off for you, or we produce thousands depending on your specifications. This level of flexibility makes our services ideal for all businesses whether big or small.
We can do everything in-house, which gives us control over the whole process. So we can guarantee that your metal pieces are produced with the finest quality as possible. Also, we know that time must be crucial for you, So we value the timeliness of your orders, After all, we know the importance of time. This way, you will always get your metal pieces when you expect them.
Our design team will happily work with you to make designs that represent your interests, hobbies, and passions. We can also help your creative ideas come to reality if you want custom metal art for your living room or one of a kind jewelry to wear.
STON daje velik poudarek naložbam v raziskave in razvoj ter je vedno na vrhu tehnološkega napredka na trgu. STON ima skupino za raziskave in razvoj z več kot 20 zaposlenimi. Vsako leto vložimo 30 odstotkov prihodkov v ustvarjanje novih izdelkov in posodobitev izdelkov, ki so že v uporabi. S sodelovanjem z raziskovalnimi univerzami in drugimi institucijami nenehno širimo svoje tehnološke zmogljivosti, da se lahko hitro odzivamo na spremembe trga in zahteve kupcev.
Če pride do težave, so naši strokovnjaki takoj na kraju samem in jo odpravijo na daljavo, bodisi prek telefona ali videa. V najkrajšem možnem času bomo na lokaciji, če bo treba popraviti na kraju samem.
Skozi celoten proizvodni proces STON izvaja več ukrepov za nadzor kakovosti, vključno s pregledi materialov, medprocesnim testiranjem in testiranjem končnega izdelka. STON zagotavlja, da vsak kos opreme ustreza mednarodnim standardom kakovosti in opravi stroga testiranja pred dostavo. Poleg tega nudimo rešitve po meri za posebne zahteve naših strank, da jim pomagamo povečati učinkovitost proizvodnje in hkrati zmanjšati operativne stroške.
STON je globalno podjetje za CNC stroje in certificirano podjetje za upravljanje. Podjetje je kot prvo prejelo mednarodni certifikat ISO 9001-2000 za sisteme kakovosti. STON je prejel tudi naziv Shandong SRDI Enterprise in Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Poleg tega ima več kot 100 patentiranih tehnologij. Naši izdelki, ki jim zaupa več kot 80 držav, so znani po svoji natančnosti, vzdržljivosti in izjemni kakovosti ter postavljajo letvico za industrijo.