Ste že kdaj slišali za upogibanje stiskalnice? It is an immensely useful tool which can ease factories working. At STON, we offer a variety of types of bending machines (e.g., pipe bender, angle bender, etc.), which can easily bend curved and angled shapes. That is an important machines in many businesses. Here’s everything you need to know about bending machines and how they work.
A bending machine is a specific tool for bending and shaping sheet metal and other materials. This machinery helps these businessmen in the construction and manufacturing to make their work faster and easier. The equipment is operated using a specialized system that provides directional presses to make the material bend as appropriate. This definitely translates to having to do everything by hand, which can be extremely laborious.
Machines that bend things can make factories run more fully and faster. As they are capable of working independently, these machines bend the sheets accurately and quickly. It is so that workers do not need to do everything manually, and that is very tiring. Factories can make more stuff in a shorter time, allowing them to make more money.
For instance, a factory that has to produce many metal parts for automobiles can benefit from squashing and upogibna stiskalnica because they will get this type of procedures done with a less energy than it would take a worker bending metal by hand. That's a powerful efficiency because factories can meet customers at their demand and have high-quality production.
With specialized tooling, bending machines can also create more complex shapes including tubes or pipers. With sectors such as vehicles and planes that benefit from unique contours, this is especially useful. For example, if an airplane has a pipe that needs to be bent in a specific fashion, there is a bending machine that can bend the pipe quickly and accurately.
Certain inconsistencies in the stiffness of different thicknesses and sizes can also be factored, so that appropriate shapes are obtained for all. To illustrate, if a factory needs to bend a thin sheet of metal for one product and a thicker sheet for another, the bending machine will handle both job(s) seamlessly. That versatility makes bending machines extremely useful in many types of manufacturing environments.
Now that you know a little more about the differences between today’s bending machines and older models, here are some things that modern bending machines do that can make them even better and more useful. There are machines that have auto loaders that load and unload materials, which is also a time and labor saver for workers. As a result, workers are able to save time reallocating materials and can really focus on the minutiae.
STON trdno verjame v naložbe v raziskave in razvoj ter je vedno na tekočem s tehnologijo industrije. Imamo skupino za raziskave in razvoj, ki šteje več kot 20 ljudi. Vsako leto vložimo 30 % prihodkov v razvoj novih izdelkov in nadgradnjo obstoječih. S sodelovanjem z raziskavami in univerzami še naprej širimo naše tehnološke zmogljivosti, da se lahko hitro odzivamo na spremembe tržnih razmer in povpraševanja strank.
Če pride do okvare, bodo naši tehniki hitro prispeli na kraj dogodka in jo popravili na daljavo po telefonu ali videu. Če je potrebno težavo odpraviti na licu mesta, bomo v najkrajšem možnem času na lokaciji stranke.
Skozi celoten proizvodni proces STON izvaja več ukrepov za nadzor kakovosti, kot so pregledi materiala, testi med proizvodnjo in pregled končnega izdelka. STON zagotavlja, da vsak artikel ustreza mednarodnim standardom kakovosti in je pred dostavo podvržen strogemu testiranju. Poleg tega nudimo prilagojene rešitve glede na potrebe naših strank, da strankam pomagamo pri izboljšanju proizvodne učinkovitosti in hkrati zmanjšanju operativnih stroškov.
STON je mednarodni proizvajalec CNC strojev in odobreno podjetje za upravljanje. Kot prvo je pridobilo mednarodni certifikat ISO 9001-2000 za sisteme kakovosti. Podjetje je prejelo tudi naziv Shandong SRDI Enterprise in Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Podjetje ima več kot 100 patentov. Zanašamo se v več kot 80 državah. Naši izdelki so znani po svoji natančnosti, vzdržljivosti in neprekosljivi izdelavi ter postavljajo merila na trgu.