Ever had that longing to know how things are created? We rely on machines to help us create much of what we use every day. Another super-special machine is this sheet bending machine. This fantastic machine is able to take flat pieces of metal and bend it into the shapes that we require.
STON are a company that build these wonderful machines. The incredible things their sheet bending machines can do are like magic robots! These machines use precise programming to bend metal at the proper angle. These machines are able to take a flat piece of metal, and bend it with precision.
The machine can twist metal into all sorts of angles. It can produce large chunks and tiny pieces. Workers may instruct the machine precisely how they want the metal to appear. Its computer guides the process to ensure that the metal bends just right every time. Think of it as a super intelligent assistant who never makes mistakes!
This machines are fast af! In a few seconds they can bend a piece of metal This is one reason factories can produce many items so rapidly. It can actually repeat bending so well that it produces metal pieces of nearly the same length every single time. It’s like using a robot that carries out precision work endlessly.
STON's machine allows companies to produce dozens of metal parts in a single day, so it is a dream come true. It is mostly done by machines so it does not require so much hard work from workers. This means they will be able to manufacture more goods in less time. Think of a tireless assistant doing all this for you!
The key function of this is the machine that can bend the sheet, similar to the robot that can change the flat metal into the shape that we like. It is tough, intelligence and maker of the things we use every day. The metal things you see - car parts, kitchen tools, bike frames, etc - help create lots of things we all enjoy!
Picture a reality where devices have the ability to convert a flat object into a functional piece through a series of simple movements. These machines bend sheets, which is precisely what they are. They take basic chunks of metal and make them great. Then you realize it isn’t magic at all — it’s incredible tech!
STON je globalno podjetje s CNC stroji in certificirano podjetje za upravljanje. Je prvo, ki je pridobilo mednarodni certifikat sistema kakovosti ISO 9001:2000 in prejelo naziv Shandong SRDI Enterprise in Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Ima tudi več kot 100 patentiranih tehnologij. Ker se zanašajo na več kot 80 držav, so naši izdelki prepoznani po svoji neprimerljivi natančnosti, zanesljivosti in neprekosljivi izdelavi, ki postavlja standard v industriji.
STON uporablja različne metode za nadzor kakovosti v celotnem proizvodnem procesu. Vključujejo preglede materiala in testiranja v procesu ter končno verifikacijo izdelkov. Zagotavljamo, da vsak artikel ustreza mednarodnim standardom kakovosti in opravi stroga testiranja pred dostavo. Poleg tega nudimo prilagojene rešitve, ki temeljijo na posebnih zahtevah naših strank, da jim pomagamo povečati učinkovitost proizvodnje in zmanjšati operativne stroške.
STON trdno verjame v naložbe v raziskave in razvoj ter je vedno na tekočem s tehnologijo industrije. Imamo skupino za raziskave in razvoj, ki šteje več kot 20 ljudi. Vsako leto vložimo 30 % prihodkov v razvoj novih izdelkov in nadgradnjo obstoječih. S sodelovanjem z raziskavami in univerzami še naprej širimo naše tehnološke zmogljivosti, da se lahko hitro odzivamo na spremembe tržnih razmer in povpraševanja strank.
Če pride do okvare, bodo naši tehniki nemudoma prispeli na kraj in jo popravili na daljavo prek videa ali telefona. Če je treba težavo odpraviti na mestu in bomo na strani uporabnika v najkrajšem času.