Aluminium punching is a unique approach to processing aluminium sheets: a hole- or design-making machine. There are so many great benefits to this way of working with aluminium. First, it’s both much quicker and easier than other methods of shaping metal. Think about how fast of a rate a machine can punch holes compared to by hand! And this speed is why it's popular with manufacturers.
The are two kinds of aluminium punching machine; punching and hole punching. So, if someone wants something personal and unique, they can order a handcrafted, personalised product tailored to their preferences. This flexibility is ideal for manufacturing luxury and bespoke products. Moreover, the process of aluminium punching is affordable too, that does not cost too high. This is crucial for both makers and customers, as it enables them to reduce costs while maintaining quality.
Another awesome feature of aluminium is that it doesn’t rust that easily, which allows it to be immune to damages caused by water and things that usually damage metals. That’s one reason why aluminium is popular for things that go outside or into harsh environments where they’ll get wet or dirty. Due to all these great qualities, unique and diverse products which make aluminium punching a favorite choice.
Aluminium Punching There are 2 types of aluminium punching out there which have their own specific purpose. The first of these techniques is known as perforating, which is when holes are punched into the aluminium sheet. So this is applied when something you're designing needs to have holes or weighs less. The second method is known as embossing. This is done to the aluminium sheet to give it a 3D shape or design to make it more interesting and unique.
Both processes involve the use of a specialized machine known as a punch press that shapes the aluminium sheets. This machine operates at an incredible speed and can produce multiple designs or patterns in minutes. We use the most advanced technology available to help ensure, to the highest extent possible, our products are the highest quality available. This allows us to supply our customers with goods they can be proud of.
The versatility of aluminium punching makes it applicable in a variety of industries. Industries that frequently use PVD technology include automotive, architectural and packaging. Take aluminium cans, for example. They are created by forming them into shape and size before being filled with beverages, such as soda. This is necessary because it is critical that the cans be sufficiently reinforced to contain the liquid within them.
One more best thing about aluminium punching is that it is an eco friendly process. It means that it is good for the planet. One of the few 100% recyclable materials is aluminium. This means once in use, a product composed of aluminium can be melted down and reformed into a new product. In fact, recycling not only reduces waste but is also very important to keep our environment clean and healthy.
STON je mednarodno podjetje za CNC stroje in certificirano podjetje za upravljanje. Kot prvo podjetje je pridobilo mednarodni certifikat ISO 9001:2000 za sisteme vodenja kakovosti. Podjetje je dobilo naziv Shandong SRDI Enterprise in Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Podjetje je imetnik več kot 100 patentov. Naši izdelki, ki se uporabljajo v več kot 80 državah, so znani po svoji neprekosljivi natančnosti, zanesljivosti in izjemni izdelavi, ki postavlja standard za industrijo.
STON uporablja več metod za nadzor kakovosti v celotnem proizvodnem procesu. To vključuje preglede materiala in testiranje med procesom ter testiranje končnega izdelka. Zagotavljamo, da je vsak kos opreme v skladu z mednarodnimi standardi kakovosti in opravi stroge teste pred dobavo. Poleg tega nudimo tudi rešitve po meri za potrebe naših strank, da jim pomagamo izboljšati njihovo proizvodno učinkovitost in hkrati zmanjšati operativne stroške.
STON poudarja naložbe v raziskave in razvoj ter je vedno na vrhu tehnološkega napredka v industriji. Ima skupino za raziskave in razvoj, ki šteje več kot 20 ljudi. Vsako leto vložimo 30 % prihodkov v razvoj novih izdelkov ter nadgradnjo obstoječih izdelkov. Še naprej širimo svoja tehnološka obzorja s sodelovanjem z univerzami in drugimi raziskovalnimi institucijami, da bi se lahko hitro odzvali na spremembe na trgu in zahtevah kupcev.
Gre za montažo opreme, zagon ali nujna popravila, STON se hitro odzove in tako zagotovi nemoteno proizvodnjo. Garancijska doba traja eno leto od datuma, ko oprema začne obratovati. Izkoristili boste lahko tudi ugodnosti vzdrževanja, ki so ugodnejše po poteku garancijskega obdobja. V primeru okvare se bo STON nemudoma odzval in težavo odpravil na daljavo prek telefona ali videa. Če je treba to rešiti na kraju samem, bomo na vašem mestu v najkrajšem možnem času.