STON is a business that produces various kinds of metal products. We have special machines that help us do this, one of the most important ones being a CNC turret punch. Well this machine really helps us make very clean and precise cuts in the metal work that we do. Our CNC turret punch allows us to make straight lines that are straight, acute angles that are acute, and smooth curves that are smooth. This machine allows us to create the exact shapes required for the metal products, which is essential to make it visually appealing and functional.
This is because the CNC turret punch machine moves the metal piece quickly and accurately. It employs a computer program that directs the cutting tool where to cut and how to do it. Hereis that important line that makes us ensuring every cut is there at just the right place and at the right angle. With this machine, we can be sure that our metal components will be cut to the precise size we require. We utilize this technology at STON so that every piece of metal we cut, we cut it exactly how we want it. This accuracy aids us in making high-quality metal products, which benefit our clients.
At STON, we found ourselves to be faster and cost-efficient for longer time with the ease of our turning CNC turret punch machine. With this high-tech machine, we can maximise the use of our materials and our time with it.” And by doing that, we waste a lot less, which is fantastic for our wallet and for the environment. This is because we can reduce waste, and subsequently keep our prices low for our customers. That allows more people to afford our products, to grow the business for many more years, while delivering incredible value.
The CNC turret punch machine also enables us to produce our metal products more quickly and accurately than ever before. Previously, if we wanted to make a metal part, it would take a while before we got a product, but now we can deliver multiple products within an extremely short lead time. This efficiency is critical to our manufacturing process. This allows us to keep our prices low, so that we can share these costs with our customers. In this manner, we can deliver good metal at a low price without spending a fortune on metal.
So if the quality is what you want, STON is the name you should have confidence in as far as your metal products are concerned. With a team of experienced engineers and technicians that strive to make sure that every product we manufacture is of the utmost quality. We want our products to be strong and durable and be here for many years. One of the most important steps in our process is the use of our CNC turret punch machine, which allows us to develop durable, long-lasting metal products.
The STON's CNC turret punch machine is highly customizable and versatile, one of the best features. This allows us to make metal products into many different shapes and sizes. We can deal plenty of metals like steel, aluminum and brass. This diversity enables us to create distinct products tailored to the exact requirements of our customers. A CNC turret punch machine gives us the ability to create many unique shapes or designs depending on what you need. At STON, our mission is to innovate and produce products that surprise our clients and meet their individual needs, and this technology does just that.
We know: the future of metalworking is fast, lean, and smart with advanced machines like our CNC turret punch. Metal forming is one such technology that can make your metalworking processes more efficient, cost-effective, and flexible. It truly is a new dawn in metalworking and we look forward to being part of the journey! This machine along with many others are part of the state of the art fabrication equipment used here at Stamping & Forming to ensure the production of high quality custom products.
STON invests heavily in R&D and remains in the forefront of technological advancement. It has an R&D department that employs more than 20 people. We invest 30 percent of our revenue each year in the creation of new products, and upgrading existing ones. Through partnerships with research and universities we continue to expand our technology-based horizons so that we are able to quickly react to market changes and the needs of customers.
STON je medzinárodná spoločnosť zaoberajúca sa CNC strojmi a certifikovaným manažérskym podnikom. Bola prvou spoločnosťou, ktorá získala medzinárodnú certifikáciu ISO 9001:2000 pre systémy manažérstva kvality. Spoločnosť dostala názov Shandong SRDI Enterprise a Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Spoločnosť je držiteľom viac ako 100 patentov. Naše produkty, ktoré sa používajú vo viac ako 80 krajinách, sú známe svojou bezkonkurenčnou presnosťou, spoľahlivosťou a vynikajúcim spracovaním, ktoré určuje štandard v tomto odvetví.
Ak dôjde k poruche, naši technici sa okamžite dostavia na miesto, aby opravili na diaľku prostredníctvom videa alebo telefónu. Ak je potrebné problém vyriešiť na mieste a my budeme na stránke používateľa v čo najkratšom čase.
STON používa viacero metód na kontrolu kvality počas celého výrobného procesu. To zahŕňa kontrolu materiálu a testovanie počas procesu, ako aj testovanie finálneho produktu. Zabezpečujeme, že každý kus zariadenia je v súlade s medzinárodnými normami kvality a pred dodaním prejde prísnymi testami. Okrem toho poskytujeme aj zákazkové riešenia pre potreby našich zákazníkov, aby sme im pomohli zlepšiť efektivitu výroby a zároveň znížiť prevádzkové náklady.