More specifically, we are talking about special computers that can construct and punch holes in metal plates very precisely: STON punching machine. These are known as CNCmachines, short for computer numerical control. The beauty of CNC is that these machines accurately punch holes where they need to, and they do it without error. This degree of precision is crucial since it ensures that the holes are placed correctly, not just that they are the appropriate size. A consequence of this is that every plate produced is flawless with every attempt made.
Maybe one of the most important points regarding CNC plate punching machines is that they enable STON to punch plates in a shorter time than before. These are the machines that must run all the time, and work by themselves, which means that they do not require a person to work in them at full time. This allows the machines to punch holes significantly faster than a human worker. The pace gain and increased efficiency means that STON can design and produce more plates, faster. STON can produce products quicker, so they can get products out to customers faster — which is good for business, and helps them make more money.”
An additional advantage that STON can provide is automating the complete process of plate punching using CNC plate punching machines. That means everything on the machine is controlled by a computer, and it runs without human assistance. This process is automated from the moment you place the plates in the machine, punch the hole, and then sorts the punched plate. They are so sophisticated that they can determine whether a hole has been punched but was not there or was badly punched. Then the machine can automatically punch another hole in the right place. Such adequate automation is highly beneficial since it reduces the number of errors occurring in the plate punching process, thereby providing STON better productivity and profits.
STON is not only a manufacturer of CNC plate punching machines that punch holes in metal plates. They can also punch a huge array of shapes and sizes through sheets of metal. This allows them to form various shapes and is what makes them so precious tools for different types of metal sheet fabrication projects. Machines are capable of a staggering variety of outputs, such as creating unique cut-outs, which can be used to design the smaller details in an elaborate manner or once-off-cut to suit a specific requirement. Moreover, these machines are capable of punching several holes simultaneously so STON can punch several holes in a single run on a piece of metal. This means that the CNC plate punching machines can be very effectively used for all types of metalworking tasks.
Last but definitely not least, things are punched on STON's CNC plate punching machines to guarantee that every single plate is punched just right. This works exactly like this, the machines use the computer controls to ensure the holes are punched into exactly the right positions and that makes sure every time. As a result, the punching is done without any errors, and the plates are punched perfectly according to very high standards. In addition, STON's machines can pressurize the punch. It also prevents the holes from being punched with rough edges, called burrs. [2] The process delivers clean, accurate plates and the final output is ready for any application that requires precision plate punching.
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A STON investe pesadamente em P&D e está na vanguarda do avanço tecnológico. A STON tem um departamento de P&D que é composto por mais de 20 pessoas. Investimos 30 por cento de nossa receita a cada ano na criação de novos produtos e na atualização dos existentes. Por meio de nossa colaboração com universidades e instituições de pesquisa, continuamos a expandir nossas capacidades tecnológicas para garantir que sejamos capazes de responder rapidamente às mudanças no mercado e às necessidades dos clientes.
A STON é uma empresa internacional de máquinas CNC e uma Management Enterprise credenciada. Foi a primeira a obter a certificação ISO do sistema de qualidade internacional 9001:2000 e recebeu o título de Shandong SRDI Enterprise e Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Ela também tem mais de 100 tecnologias com patente pendente. Nossos produtos, confiáveis por mais de 80 países, são reconhecidos por sua precisão, confiabilidade e artesanato superior inigualáveis. Eles são o padrão na indústria.
A STON emprega uma variedade de métodos para controlar a qualidade durante todo o processo de fabricação. Eles incluem inspeções de material e testes no processo, bem como a verificação final dos produtos. Nós garantimos que cada item atenda aos padrões internacionais de qualidade e passe por testes rigorosos antes da entrega. Além disso, oferecemos soluções personalizadas com base nos requisitos específicos de nossos clientes para ajudá-los a aumentar a eficiência da produção e reduzir os custos operacionais.