The metal sheet bending machine that STON made is really fascinating. By using this incredible new technology, the process of bending metal is made significantly quicker and more affordable. And it makes the bending more precise, so the metal is bent perfectly each and every time.
Long ago, metal bending was a heavy task. It was time-intensive and required skilled labor to get it right. Laborers had to manually bend the metal with their hands and tools, which could be exhausting. This all has just become 10 times easier and better with the new bending machine by STON. This machine bends metal into very complex shapes with exceptional precision. It can do so well that it used to be the work of only skilled workers. Now, with the machine, anyone can do it with great results.
The automatic bending machine can save STON a lot of time and cost. It can bend metal extremely quickly, accomplishing in seconds what a human would spend a lifetime doing. For comparison, doing that work by hand could require hours or days. Since STON can produce quite a BIT more products in a SHORTER time frame due to this quicker process. That delivers huge cost savings to the company. When businesses save, they can reinvest those savings into more projects or cut prices for their customers.
Smart technology ensures that automatic sheet metal bending machines bend metal sheets neatly every time. They are built with specialized software so that workers can quickly program and alter how the metal bends when the design changes. This is significant because designs may change on short notice, and the machine learns to skimp on strain effortlessly. In addition, this appropriating technology makes a complete bending processes are safer. It minimizes the risk of bending metal by hand accidents. There are workplace hazards; so this machine ensures that workers are safe when they do their work.
The new bending machine allows STON to do more product than ever. These machines are able to assist in STON completing orders faster than ever before. This indicates that the company is able to produce more which results in higher revenue. It’s also an incredibly consistent machine — every product is made the same way, every time. This lessens the burden for additional checks to confirm all is topnotch, which can cause delays. As a result, customers receive their orders in less time, and the production process is completed more quickly.
Ao longo do processo de produção, a STON implementa várias medidas de controle de qualidade, incluindo inspeções de materiais, testes em processo e testes de produto final. A STON garante que cada peça do equipamento atenda aos padrões internacionais de qualidade e passe por testes rigorosos antes da entrega. Além disso, fornecemos soluções personalizadas para os requisitos específicos de nossos clientes para ajudá-los a aumentar a eficiência da produção enquanto reduz os custos operacionais.
A STON é uma empresa global de máquinas CNC e empresa de gestão certificada. Foi a primeira empresa a receber a certificação internacional ISO 9001-2000 para sistemas de gestão de qualidade. A empresa recebeu os títulos de Shandong SRDI Enterprise e Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Ela também tem mais de 100 tecnologias com patente pendente. Em uso em mais de 80 países, nossos produtos são reconhecidos por sua precisão inigualável, confiabilidade e excelente habilidade. Nós definimos o padrão no mercado.
A STON enfatiza o investimento em P&D e está sempre no topo dos avanços tecnológicos da indústria. Ela tem uma equipe de P&D de mais de 20 pessoas. A cada ano, investimos 30% de nossas receitas no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, bem como na atualização de nossos produtos existentes. Continuamos a ampliar nossos horizontes tecnológicos por meio da colaboração com universidades e outras instituições de pesquisa para responder rapidamente às mudanças no mercado e às demandas dos clientes.
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