There are lots of handy tools and machines that can assist you with your job if you do metalwork. A machine that a lot of metalworkers will use is what is known as an máquina de dobra automática do painel. This wonder is a sheet metal brake designed to help you make accurate bends with a sheet metal piece. It makes bending metal much easier than hand bending it. Here is a brief overview of why an automatic panel bender from STON is the perfect fit for you as a metal worker!
Ever attempted to hand-bend sheet metal? If you have, you know it can be quite some work! Hand-bending of metal takes a lot of strength and needs to pay attention in both directions to get the bends exactly right. You may have a hard time getting the angle right, and it can be a strain for your arms and back. Bending sheet metal might ensure a big challenge for you, but when you own an automatic panel bender from STON, the task becomes even simpler. This is a machine that can do much of the hard work for you. Then it lets you remelt the metal without ever straining your muscles or worrying about making mistakes. This allows you to invest your time elsewhere in your project instead of hand-tired metal bending.
Time is of the essence when you are manufacturing sheet metal products. The more product you can build, the more money you can make. This is even more the case if you own a business that sells metal products. That is where an máquina dobrável automática comes into its own. Bend shell sheets efficiently and quickly with this machine. It means you can create far more products in less time. Now it takes you only a fraction of the time to get what you need done instead of hours bending metal. Which is a good thing for your business as it gives you the opportunity to produce additional products and enhance your profit margins!
When working with sheet metal getting the bends right is super critical. The least mistake in the bending process can destroy the whole product you are attempting to make. That’s why using a machine that makes perfect bends every time is crucial. For this task, STON automatic panel bender is just the right one. It has advanced tech that makes sure every bend is precisely when it needs to be. This helps you design quality products while fulfilling your customers' standards and expectations. So keep an open market for you as your customers will love the work you do with this attention that saves time and also earns them the best work.
To succeed at running a metalworking business, you have to be efficient. Efficiency: Make your working process easier and quicker to produce a greater number of products in a limited time. This is where an automatic panel bender from STON can assist you in achieving your aim. Automation can helps you save precious time for the other areas of your business. For instance, you could allocate more time to designing new products or marketing your existing ones. By handling a higher volume of orders, you can boost profits and scale up even quicker! Being able to get more done in a single day means you’re going to be successful in business!
There are various products that can be made by bending sheet metal. You can create small, bent parts like brackets, or larger, complex shapes like frames. And that’s why having a machine that can accommodate such a variety of bending needs is so important. This is precisely the type of machine that an automatic panel bender from STON is. It has the capability to handle small products to large, more intricate shapes without difficulty. And because it’s STON manufactured, you know this is a rugged, proven machine that should last for years. A good working tool is the foundation stone to have a lucrative metalworking industry.
A STON insiste em investir em P&D e permanece no topo dos avanços tecnológicos na indústria. Ela tem uma equipe de P&D composta por mais de 20 pessoas. Todos os anos, investimos uma parcela de 30 por cento de nossa receita no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, bem como na atualização de produtos existentes. Estamos constantemente expandindo nossos horizontes tecnológicos por meio da colaboração com universidades e outras instituições de pesquisa para responder rapidamente às mudanças no mercado e às demandas do consumidor.
A STON emprega vários métodos de controle de qualidade ao longo do processo de fabricação. Isso inclui inspeções do material e testes durante o processo, bem como inspeção do produto final. A STON garante que o equipamento seja testado de acordo com os padrões internacionais e os atenda.
Seja comissionamento de instalação de equipamento, uma solução rápida ou reparos, a STON responde rapidamente para garantir uma produção ininterrupta. A duração da garantia é de um ano a partir da data em que o equipamento é colocado em operação, e você ainda pode desfrutar de serviços de manutenção preferenciais após o período de garantia. Em caso de mau funcionamento, a STON responderá imediatamente para resolver o problema remotamente por vídeo ou telefone. Se o problema tiver que ser resolvido no local, o reparo será concluído no local do usuário no menor tempo possível.
A STON é uma empresa internacional de máquinas CNC e uma Management Enterprise credenciada. É a primeira a obter a certificação internacional de qualidade ISO 9001:2000 e recebeu os títulos de Shandong SRDI Enterprise e Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Ela também tem mais de 100 tecnologias patenteadas. Nossos produtos, confiáveis por mais de 80 países, foram reconhecidos por sua precisão excepcional, confiabilidade e excelente habilidade. Eles definem o padrão na indústria.