CNC metal bending is a revolutionary way of bending metal, and STON is thrilled to offer it. The acronym CNC means Computer Numerical Control. This also implies that we perform metal bends of extremely high quality using joint special computers and machines. Using this advanced technology, STON produces products that conform to very high standards. At our company, we are committed to providing our clients with the finest quality products, and CNC metal bending is part of that promise.
CNC metal bending is one of the advantages of STON that allow us to make our goods more quickly and in a better way. Our CNC machines can accurately and swiftly bend metal with no human being involved. That means we can produce many more products in less time. The faster we produce more products, the cheaper it is for us. This is valuable because it enables us to pass these economies through to our customers and reduce the pricing of our items for all.
Yet another great advantage of CNC metal bending is that we can obtain accurate bends every time. With older ways of bending metal, it was often difficult, for example, to get the same bend exactly right every time we tried. Mistakes and uneven products may follow.” Not so with CNC metal bending, though. The machines have unique digital instructions for each of the bends, so the resulting products end up exactly as we meant for them to be. Having such a low tolerance means that our customers know that they receive the product for which they are expecting.
We work at STON where we are lucky enough to bend metal with automated machines. These machines are working very hard and effectively to make high quality products. This automation is smart because it minimizes the time and resources required during the making of every single piece. Because the machines do the work, there is less possibility for human error as well. It means that all of the products we create must pass a high bar of quality, and it means our customers can trust what they purchase.
For ultra high precision and repeatability of bending metal, there is no alternative to CNC metal bending technology. This technology allows us to do very complex shapes and bends that were very difficult to produce previously. Our CNC machines are able to process a variety of metal materials to ensure we get the best results each and every time. This means our products are accurate as well as reliable and gives assurance to our customers.
Ia mengenai pemasangan peralatan, pentauliahan atau pembaikan kecemasan, STON bertindak balas dengan cepat untuk menjamin pengeluaran yang tidak terganggu. Tempoh waranti berlangsung selama satu tahun dengan tarikh peralatan itu mula beroperasi. Anda juga akan mendapat manfaat daripada faedah penyelenggaraan yang lebih menguntungkan selepas tempoh jaminan. Sekiranya gagal STON akan segera bertindak balas untuk menyelesaikan masalah dari jauh melalui telefon atau video. Jika ia perlu ditangani di tapak maka kami akan berada di tapak anda dalam masa yang paling singkat.
STON menegaskan pelaburan R&D dan kekal di atas kemajuan teknologi dalam industri. Ia mempunyai pasukan R&D yang terdiri daripada lebih daripada 20 individu. Setiap tahun kami melaburkan 30 peratus bahagian hasil kami ke dalam pembangunan produk baharu serta menaik taraf produk sedia ada. Kami sentiasa mengembangkan ufuk teknologi kami melalui kerjasama dengan universiti dan institusi penyelidikan lain untuk bertindak balas dengan pantas kepada perubahan dalam pasaran dan permintaan pengguna.
STON ialah syarikat jentera CNC antarabangsa dan Syarikat Pengurusan yang diperakui. Ia merupakan syarikat pertama yang mendapat pensijilan antarabangsa ISO 9001:2000 untuk sistem pengurusan kualiti. Syarikat itu telah diberi gelaran Shandong SRDI Enterprise, dan Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Syarikat itu adalah pemegang lebih 100 paten. Digunakan di lebih 80 negara, produk kami terkenal dengan ketepatan yang tiada tandingan, kebolehpercayaan dan mutu kerja yang cemerlang, yang menetapkan standard untuk industri.
Sepanjang proses pengeluaran, STON melaksanakan pelbagai langkah kawalan kualiti, termasuk pemeriksaan bahan, ujian dalam proses dan ujian produk akhir. STON memastikan setiap peralatan memenuhi piawaian kualiti antarabangsa dan lulus ujian yang ketat sebelum penghantaran. Selanjutnya, kami menyediakan penyelesaian tersuai kepada keperluan tertentu pelanggan kami untuk membantu mereka meningkatkan kecekapan pengeluaran sambil mengurangkan kos operasi.