Do you want a solid yet durable machine that has the capacity to bend steel? Introducing STON's steel bending master subject! This incredible machine was created to make it easy for you bend steel for all your projects and needs. It's a wonderful tool for anyone who works with steel.
STON's 鋼曲げ機自動 has one great advantage: STRONG. Thanks to this beast, even steel bends like a twig. Doesn't matter if company wants to bend thick steel beams or a thin steel sheet, this equipment capable of it. You don't have to stress about dealing with huge bits of steel or attempting to must excess energy. How Do You Calculate The Aggregate Load Of The Bending Machinery?
So rest assured when you purchase your steel bending machine, STON's steel bending machine is reliable. This thing is built to last long, and it is tough enough to work. You don’t have to worry about it failing or not functioning when you need it most. This way, you can concentrate on what you need to do, assured the machine is a dependable workhorse, ready to support you.
Regardless of the kind of work you do, if you need to bend steel whether construction, manufacturing or other industry STON's steel bending machine is the right option for you. This machine is highly portable enabling different kinds and sites for bending steel. Whether you have large jobs or small ones, it is the right answer. The steel bending machine can be the reliable friend that does the job for you.
If you want the optimum performance from your steel bending machine, then training yourself with its safe and correct usage is important. STON provides a user manual for its steel bending machine, which guides you to use it. The purpose of these instructions is to help you learn to work the machine. You can rise to a whole new level with the assistance of the instructions that comes along with the machine, permitting you to lift, bend etc. Once you understand how it works, you will know how to use it confidently.
STON は、生産プロセス全体を通じて、材料の検査、工程内テスト、最終製品の検証など、複数の品質管理措置を実施しています。各製品が国際品質基準を満たし、出荷前に厳格なテストを受けていることを確認します。さらに、各顧客の要件を満たすカスタム設計のソリューションも提供し、生産効率の向上と運用コストの削減を支援します。
STON は研究開発に多額の投資を行っており、技術進歩の最前線に立っています。STON には 20 名を超える人員で構成される研究開発部門があります。当社は毎年、収益の 30% を新製品の開発と既存製品のアップグレードに投資しています。大学や研究機関との連携を通じて、市場の変化や顧客のニーズに迅速に対応できるよう、技術力を継続的に拡大しています。
STON は国際的な CNC 機械メーカーであり、承認された管理企業です。品質システムに関する ISO 9001-2000 国際認証を最初に取得した企業です。また、山東 SRDI 企業、山東ガゼル企業の称号も与えられています。当社は 100 件を超える特許を保有しています。80 か国以上で信頼されている当社の製品は、その精度、耐久性、卓越した職人技で有名で、市場のベンチマークとなっています。