A CNC Panel Bender is a specific machine that’s used to bend metal sheets into various shapes. For metal workers that require cutting different patterns, this machine is of great assistance. We are at STON and we manufacture machines, such as the CNC Panel Bender, that assist in the bending of plates and facilitate this to a good extent. This machine is also suited very well to those who want to show their creativity with their metal, making really nice custom shapes to express a bit of their creativity.
CNC Panel Benders are some of the best machines found in today's metalworking world. It’s able to shape sheet metal into various forms with great precision. That just means, when you fire this machine up, you can expect those geometries to be spot on. It works like this: there are some pieces with which we call hydraulic cylinders. These cylinders are arranged in such a manner, where these cylinders move to create a bend in the metal sheet.
Alternatively, you can use a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) program to tell your CNC Panel Bender what shape you are looking to create. This application, not restrictive to the operator set the configuration for the relevant information. They decide how much to bend the metal, how long to make the metal, and the radius of the bend. The process is extremely efficient as, once the operator has typed in the instructions, the machine does what it's told and makes the desired shapes.
The most interesting aspect of CNC Panel Bender is that you can be creative with your design in metal. This machine allows designers to design shapes and patterns that would be extremely difficult to create by hand, especially in a repetitive and very accurate manner. Designers get the opportunity to exercise their creativity and create one-of-a-kind looks.
CNC Panel Bender — Hydraulic cylinders in CNC Panel Bender allow it to make complex bends, with high precision. This means designers are not scared to create complex shapes because they don't have to fear messing it up. Thanks to the CNC Panel Bender, the world of sheet metal designers has a brand new dimension to explore, as well as a newfound motivation to think out of the box and contemplate new solutions.
Bending sheet metal is one of those very skilled, critical processes that have a lot of technical process and tolerance. One of the key advantages of the CNC Panel Bender is that it automates most of the hard work. After all, it means that the machine is able to bend sheet metal into unusual shapes with a degree of precision that eliminates the need for people to do everything by hand.
Another huge advantage of CNC Panel Bender is that this machine allows you to save a right amount of time when preparing to bend the metal sheets. Setting these up often takes the traditional approaches a lot of time, such as devices jigs or templates. These tools are used to facilitate the bending. Thanks to the CNC Panel Bender, you will not have to use such additional tools. This machine can be programmed to warp sheets directly into shapes, which is easier, and quicker, than die-cutting.
STON は、生産プロセス全体にわたって複数の方法を使用して品質を管理しています。これには、材料の検査、プロセス中のテスト、および最終製品のテストが含まれます。当社は、各機器が国際品質基準に準拠し、出荷前に厳しいテストに合格することを保証します。さらに、お客様のニーズに合わせてカスタム ソリューションも提供し、運用コストを削減しながら生産効率を向上させるお手伝いをします。
STON は国際的な CNC 機械メーカーであり、承認された管理企業です。品質システムに関する ISO 9001-2000 国際認証を世界で初めて取得した企業です。また、山東 SRDI 企業、山東ガゼル企業の称号も与えられています。また、100 を超える特許出願中の技術も持っています。80 か国以上から信頼されている当社の製品は、比類のない精度、信頼性、無敵の品質で知られ、市場の基準となっています。
STON は R&D 投資を強く信じており、常に業界の最新技術に目を向けています。当社には 20 名を超える R&D チームがあります。当社は毎年、収益の 30% を新製品の開発と既存製品のアップグレードに投資しています。研究機関や大学との連携を通じて、市場環境の変化や顧客の要求に迅速に対応できるよう、技術力を拡大し続けています。
設備の設置、試運転、応急処置、修理など、STON は迅速に対応し、中断のない生産を保証します。保証期間は設備の稼働開始日から 1 年間で、保証期間後も優遇メンテナンス サービスをご利用いただけます。故障が発生した場合、STON はビデオまたは電話を通じてリモートですぐに対応し、問題を解決します。問題を現場で解決する必要がある場合は、ユーザーの現場で最短時間で修理を完了します。