The sjálfvirk fellivél is a very key machine for increasing factory efficiency today. In particular, STON’s auto punch machines employ exciting new technology for speeding up and improving product quality. These machines take over punching jobs that were previously done manually, this save a lot of time. It allows laborers to focus on other primary tasks rather than wasting time on punching materials.
Automated punch machines from STON make factories run efficient and productive. They are, truly, an immense aid — for many jobs, they decrease the number of workers needed. With these machines taking care of the punching jobs, workers can focus on more critical work that requires their expertise. They can even work all by themselves! They automatically feed materials and punch them, which speeds up the entire process dramatically. This way the whole production process is very effective and quality of the products is a positive factor that the customers can get the best products.
With STON's Intelligent Technology STON sjálfvirk fellivéls make easier factory work to reduce costs. They are fitted with a precise control system that ensures every punch is perfect. It reduces the number of incorrectly punched materials that go to waste, thereby increasing the number of products produced. There are also machines that can be programmed to produce a variety of different products in all shapes and sizes. This allows factories to adapt to various orders and customer needs, easily enabling them to produce a range of items without much excessive hassle.
In factory settings, Auto punch machines have transformed the way items are manufactured. They speed up the manufacturing process, and make it more precise and easier to manage. STON's auto punch machines are taking the lead of this change with its advanced design and technology. The movement toward using these machines allows factories to produce their products in less time, pay less money in labor and facilitate their production process. By producing the most popular products, factories are able to realize a faster customer copy, an ideal situation for their profit.
The auto punch machines that STON offers to factories have many great benefits. First, they reduce labor costs because they require fewer workers for certain tasks. More efficient factories create more items, which drives profits up. They are also super precise, which often results in better quality products. Airstat enhances the quality of service, and good quality translates into customers satisfaction which is very important for any business. Additionally, auto punch machines can create a multitude of product shapes and sizes. Such flexibility is far superior to machines from earlier eras, for which it was (at best) possible to produce only a limited number of items. Thus, STON’s auto punch machines are good investments for the future development of factories to adapt to changing needs.
STON er alþjóðlegt CNC vélafyrirtæki og viðurkennt stjórnunarfyrirtæki. Það var fyrsta fyrirtækið í heiminum til að fá alþjóðlega ISO 9001-2000 vottun fyrir gæðakerfi. Fyrirtækið hefur einnig fengið titilinn Shandong SRDI Enterprise og Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Það hefur einnig yfir 100 tækni sem hefur verið sótt um einkaleyfi. Vörur okkar eru treystar af yfir 80 löndum og eru þekktar fyrir óviðjafnanlega nákvæmni, áreiðanleika og óviðjafnanleg gæði, sem setja markið á markaðnum.
Ef það er bilun munu tæknimenn okkar vera fljótir á vettvangi til að gera við það fjarstýrt með síma eða myndbandi. Ef leysa þarf málið á staðnum munum við koma á síðu notandans á sem skemmstum tíma.
STON notar margar gæðaeftirlitsaðferðir í gegnum framleiðsluferlið. Þetta felur í sér skoðanir á efnum og prófanir í ferlinu ásamt lokavöruskoðun. STON tryggir að hver búnaður sé prófaður samkvæmt alþjóðlegum stöðlum og sé í samræmi við þá.
STON leggur mikla áherslu á fjárfestingar í rannsóknum og þróun og er alltaf í fararbroddi í tækni greinarinnar. Við erum með meira en 20 manns R&D teymi. Við fjárfestum 30% af tekjum okkar á hverju ári til að þróa nýjar vörur, auk þess að uppfæra þær sem fyrir eru. Með samstarfi okkar við rannsóknir og háskóla höldum við áfram að auka tæknilega getu okkar þannig að við getum brugðist hratt við markaðsbreytingum og þörfum viðskiptavina.