Do you want to work more effectively in your metal shop? A mesin pembengkok panel is the answer! It is essential to take into consideration that a panel bender is a special machine that capable to make several shapes and sizes for metal. For anyone working with metal, that is a very useful tool.
One of the most appealing aspects of a panel bender is the fact that it allows you to work at a significantly faster rate. Rather than needing to manually determine and bend every single piece of metal (which can be super time- and labor-intensive), you could plop your metal into the machine. After you load your metal, the machine will do the heavy lifting for you. What this means is that you can produce a lot more products in a shorter time frame. This helps you reduce your expenses on payment of workers, and thus it helps you generate more revenue for your firm.
Mitra penyok panel cncs at STON Gentle Giant are intended to be highly automated. They are made with advanced computers that understand how to bend metal to multiple angles and shapes. This important tech feature minimizes errors and waste, not to mention saving you money for your business over the long-term as well.
To bend metal, that can be a challenge to do, especially if you want everything to look the same. With a panel bender, though, turning out the desired results becomes a lot easier. In the panel bender, the computer system removes all guesswork from bending metal. It guarantees that every metal piece is bent identically. This is the way you make sure that you create a product according to your quality standards.
At STON, we manufacture our panel benders using the latest technology. We have special sensors and intelligent software on our machines that monitor the metal while it is being bent. It ensures that every metal comes out perfectly shaped, every time without fail. So you can always rest assured your work is of high quality.
All our smaller panel benders are designed for portability and quick setup. This type of bender is used to bend just about any type of material, including aluminum, stainless steels, and copper. That, plus they have the great customer support and user-friendly instructions to go with it. This way, you can get things rolling quickly and a feel for using the machine.
Our panel benders at STON are designed for strength and life. They are built tough, with motors that can work through the most challenging materials. They also are intended to be easy to operate and maintain. That means, you'll spent less time worrying about how to care for the machines, and more time worrying about your business and getting work done.
Sepanjang proses produksi, STON menerapkan berbagai langkah pengendalian mutu, seperti pemeriksaan material, pengujian selama produksi, serta pemeriksaan produk akhir. STON memastikan bahwa setiap barang memenuhi standar mutu internasional dan menjalani pengujian ketat sebelum pengiriman. Selain itu, kami menyediakan solusi khusus sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan kami untuk membantu pelanggan dalam meningkatkan efisiensi produksi sekaligus mengurangi biaya operasional.
Baik itu pemasangan peralatan, perbaikan cepat, atau perbaikan, STON merespons dengan cepat untuk menjamin produksi tanpa gangguan. Durasi garansi adalah satu tahun sejak tanggal peralatan dioperasikan, dan Anda masih dapat menikmati layanan perawatan istimewa setelah masa garansi. Jika terjadi malfungsi, STON akan segera merespons untuk menyelesaikan masalah dari jarak jauh melalui video atau telepon. Jika masalah harus ditangani di tempat, perbaikan akan diselesaikan di tempat pengguna dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin.
STON sangat menekankan investasi R&D dan selalu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi di pasar. STON memiliki tim R&D dengan lebih dari 20 karyawan. Setiap tahun kami menginvestasikan 30 persen dari pendapatan kami untuk menciptakan produk baru dan memodernisasi produk yang sudah digunakan. Kami terus memperluas kemampuan teknologi kami melalui kerja sama dengan universitas riset dan lembaga lain agar dapat merespons perubahan pasar dan permintaan pelanggan dengan cepat.
STON adalah perusahaan permesinan CNC internasional dan Perusahaan Manajemen yang telah disetujui. Perusahaan ini merupakan perusahaan pertama di dunia yang memperoleh sertifikasi internasional ISO 9001-2000 untuk sistem mutu. Perusahaan ini juga telah diberi gelar Shandong SRDI Enterprise, dan Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Perusahaan ini juga memiliki lebih dari 100 teknologi yang sedang dalam proses paten. Dipercaya oleh lebih dari 80 negara, produk kami dikenal karena presisi yang tak tertandingi, keandalan, dan kualitas yang tak tertandingi, sehingga menjadi standar di pasar.