If you like working with metal, then have probably heard about a really dope machine called a CNC turret punch press. It is because this machine is not just an ordinary machine, it has the capability to revolutionise metal product development. Let’s dig deeper into what the CNC turret punch press possibly might be, and what might make it so integral!
The CNC turret punch press is an incredible machine, because it enables us to produce shapes and holes in flat sheets of metal. What makes this unique is that it controls its movements with a computer. This implies that it can be extremely exact and precise while making slices. This is what makes it a super useful device for metal shop guys and factory workers. By utilizing the CNC turret punch press, workers can complete their jobs faster and with higher precision compared to before.
This versatility makes the CNC turret punch press suitable for a wide range of different types of metal sheets. It can quickly punch out shapes and sizes to accommodate various project needs. For example, the STON CNC turret punch press has lots of tool stations. That means it can execute three dozen punches in succession without the need to stop and tool change. The computer running the show makes sure every punch is just perfectly made and is able to create complex shapes with ease.
Before the advent of CNC turret punch press machines, workers toiled over creating punching patterns manually, an arduous task that consumed time and energy. So the manual process often resulted in mistakes that could be time- and materials wasteful. Things are a lot easier due to the STON CNC turret punch press now. You will work in software to make a design, and directly send it to the machine to be punched. Furthermore, the STON CNC turret punch press comes equipped with an automatic sheet loader. This means workers are not required to waste time loading or unloading sheets of metal. This one really saves a lot of time and effort.
With the use of STON CNC turret punch press, the workers can enhance their productivity to a larger extent. They can do punching operations in a good speed and hence do a lot in less time. Since the punches are so exact, however, there is a much smaller risk of error. It minimizes the likelihood of rework, which can also stall production. The computer control system also enables workers to track the long-term status of the punched metal sheets. By doing so we can ensure that everything is on track with a good level of quality.
STON menekankan investasi R&D dan terus mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dalam industri ini. Tim R&D-nya terdiri dari lebih dari 20 orang. Setiap tahun, kami menginvestasikan 30 persen dari pendapatan kami untuk pengembangan produk baru serta peningkatan produk yang sudah ada. Kami terus memperluas cakrawala teknologi kami melalui kerja sama dengan universitas dan lembaga penelitian lainnya untuk merespons perubahan pasar dan permintaan konsumen dengan cepat.
Sepanjang proses produksi, STON menerapkan berbagai langkah pengendalian mutu, termasuk inspeksi material, pengujian selama proses, dan pengujian produk akhir. STON memastikan bahwa setiap peralatan memenuhi standar mutu internasional dan lulus pengujian ketat sebelum pengiriman. Selain itu, kami menyediakan solusi khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan khusus klien kami guna membantu mereka meningkatkan efisiensi produksi sekaligus mengurangi biaya operasional.
Jika terjadi masalah, para ahli kami akan segera datang ke lokasi untuk memperbaikinya dari jarak jauh, baik melalui telepon maupun video. Kami akan berada di lokasi sesegera mungkin saat masalah perlu diperbaiki di lokasi.
STON adalah bisnis permesinan CNC global dan bisnis manajemen bersertifikat. Perusahaan ini adalah yang pertama memperoleh sertifikasi sistem mutu internasional ISO 9001:2000 dan dianugerahi gelar Shandong SRDI Enterprise dan Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Perusahaan ini juga memiliki lebih dari 100 teknologi yang dipatenkan. Diandalkan oleh lebih dari 80 negara, produk kami diakui karena presisi, keandalan, dan pengerjaannya yang tak tertandingi, yang menjadi standar dalam industri ini.