Hi there! Allow me to introduce you to a fabulous company known as STON. And they do something kind of cool — they work with something called sheet metal. What is sheet metal? Have you ever wondered? It’s a kind of metal that can be cut, bent and formed into all sorts of different objects. STON reveals all sorts of nifty products with this metal for industries everywhere.
Just like a sheet of paper, sheet metal is a large, flat piece of metal that can be formed into just about anything. This limit describes what happens when you take a large metal plate that can be sliced like paper and molded like clay. STON has these very specific tools that allow them to create exactly the thing that a person needs out of these sheets of metal.
Are those based on STON being metal cutting precision monsters? They have unique machines that could cut steel with the super precision. That means they can create metal parts that fit perfectly, neither too big, nor too small, but just right! They are clingy to one of the metal as such as aluminum, copper and steel.
Got a really cool idea for something that’s metal? So if your dream is to host a stoplight party, STEADY ONSTON can be there to help make that dream a reality. They’ll take the time to sit down and listen to you and what you want. Then, they will sketch a blueprint and brainstorm how to execute your idea. They analyze every detail — how the product will be used, what it needs to be durable and how to make it solid.
Before STON does a lot of anything, they first do a test piece. It’s basically the practice version of the product. They make sure it functions properly, it’s visually pleasing, and that it can do its intended job. If something need to change, they can adjust it immediately. Then, once everything looks good, they can begin scaling up production of the product.
STON is like a metal artist! They understand the fundamentals of metal deformation. Want a curve? They can do that! Want a piece of metal at a specific angle? No problem! They also ensure the metal looks smooth and shiny, when they are finished. It is reminiscent of magic, taking a flat piece of metal and turning it into an incredible object.
STON has the ability to create metal components for a range of industrial sectors. They make components for heating and cooling systems in buildings. They can also specialize in making unique parts for large industrial machines. Most importantly, they are trained and have access to specialists who can create metal parts that comply with all specific guidelines and requirements.
STON naglašava ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj i ostaje na čelu tehnologije u industriji. Imamo tim za istraživanje i razvoj od više od 20 ljudi. Svake godine ulažemo 30% prihoda u razvoj novih proizvoda i nadogradnju postojećih. Kroz partnerstvo s istraživačkim institutima i sveučilištima nastavljamo širiti naše tehnološke horizonte kako bismo mogli brzo odgovoriti na promjene tržišnih uvjeta kao i na zahtjeve kupaca.
Kada se radi o puštanju u rad instalacije opreme, postavljanju ili čak hitnim popravcima, STON reagira brzo kako bi zajamčio neprekinutu proizvodnju. Trajanje jamstva je jedna godina od datuma kada je oprema puštena u rad. Također ćete moći iskoristiti prednosti održavanja koje su povoljnije nakon isteka jamstvenog roka. U slučaju kvara naš će tim odmah biti tu da riješi problem na daljinu putem telefona ili videa. Doći ćemo na mjesto što je prije moguće u slučaju da bude potreban popravak na licu mjesta.
STON je tvrtka za CNC strojeve svjetske klase i certificirana tvrtka za upravljanje. Bila je prva tvrtka u svijetu koja je dobila međunarodni certifikat ISO 9001-2000 za sustave upravljanja kvalitetom. Tvrtki su također dodijeljene titule Shandong SRDI Enterprise i Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Tvrtka je nositelj više od 100 patenata. Naši proizvodi, koje podržava više od 80 zemalja, prepoznati su po svojoj preciznosti, pouzdanosti i iznimnoj izradi. Oni su standardi na tržištu.
STON koristi više metoda kontrole kvalitete tijekom cijelog proizvodnog procesa. To uključuje inspekcije materijala i ispitivanja u procesu zajedno s inspekcijom konačnog proizvoda. STON osigurava da je svaki dio opreme testiran prema međunarodnim standardima i da je u skladu s njima.