Sick of having to use your beat-up hole punch? Does it take for ever, and do you have to fight to get it to work? To say that you'll dread using a manual hole punch if you have a lot of papers that need to be punched would be an understatement. Well, now with the STON Metal Hole Punch, you can wave bye-bye to all these issues and say hello to perfection!
This incredible tool is specifically CTO designed to punch through massive stacks of paper with ease. With the STON Metal Hole Punch, you don't have to strain yourself to get the job done. This means you spend more time doing the fun things you love, instead of wrestling with a manual hole punch that just isn’t getting the job done right.
Reusable and will works as well every usage as it did the first. You are equipped with all data till October 2023 which lets you to complete all of your paperwork in no time so that you can relax rest of the day without worrying about your tasks.
It is made for punching neat and laser-sharp holes all the time you use it. It helps you keep your papers nice and tidy, which is really important when you have to hand them off to someone else. It is also durable and can withstand heavy everyday use, so you won’t have to replace it anytime soon.
POINT: This machine is meant to be a constant and reliable in KPI providing you with clean and exact holes in paperwork. The STON Metal Hole Punch always does the job right the first time, so you won’t need to worry about ruining your work.
If you take your paperwork seriously, and you want to make your life easier, then it’s time to upgrade to the STON Metal Hole Punch. This requires replacing your old manual hole punch with this new and improved tool.
This wonderful machine will revolutionize how you process your paper work, making this an easier and faster experience than it was written. No longer will you waste hours churning through punch stacks, the STON Metal Hole Punch does all this for you and with ease.
Ako dođe do kvara, naši će tehničari odmah stići na lice mjesta kako bi ga popravili na daljinu putem videa ili telefona. Ako se problem mora riješiti na licu mjesta, a mi ćemo biti na korisnikovom mjestu u najkraćem mogućem roku.
STON čvrsto vjeruje u ulaganje u istraživanje i razvoj i ostaje u tijeku s tehnološkim napretkom u industriji. Ima tim za istraživanje i razvoj s više od 20 zaposlenika. Svake godine ulažemo 30% postotka prihoda u razvoj novih proizvoda, kao i modernizaciju proizvoda koji su već u uporabi. Suradnjom s istraživačkim institutima i sveučilištima nastavljamo širiti naše tehnološke mogućnosti kako bismo mogli brzo odgovoriti na promjene tržišta i potrebe kupaca.
STON koristi različite metode kontrole kvalitete tijekom cijelog procesa proizvodnje. To uključuje preglede materijala i ispitivanja tijekom procesa, kao i pregled konačnog proizvoda. STON osigurava da je oprema ispitana prema međunarodnim standardima i da ih zadovoljava.
STON je tvrtka za CNC strojeve svjetske klase i certificirana tvrtka za upravljanje. Bila je prva tvrtka koja je dobila međunarodni certifikat ISO 9001-2000 za sustave kvalitete. Tvrtki su dodijeljene titule Shandong SRDI Enterprise i Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Dodatno, ima više od 100 patentiranih tehnologija. To je marka kojoj se vjeruje u više od 80 zemalja, naši su proizvodi poznati po svojoj preciznosti, izdržljivosti i nenadmašnoj kvaliteti, postavljajući ljestvicu na tržištu.