STONIC INC has been great and we had a fun task of creating our own specialised approach to making metal parts with our CNC Bending Machine. What makes this machine special is the ability to re-invent the industry behind forming and metal bending. This is much faster and more accurate than the traditional method, which is allowing us to save time and money across our production process.
Previously, hand-bending metal was time-consuming and not always very accurate. Everything had to be done manually by workers, making it simple to make errors. But now, thanks to the CNC Bending Machine, it is different and better! By putting the right angles of bending, the operator can easily tell the machine what to do. Once scheduled, the machine executes the task seamlessly! That thing can bend and shape its fair share of things very quickly with zero mistakes.
This type of contemporary equipment does not just give us speed; It instead empowers us to advance to exorbitantly simple and multifaceted designs that were impossible to produce previously. For instance, we require the ability to bend metal into a certain degree, so the CNC Bending Machine can complete this in a few minutes with high precision and complexity. It means that we are able to deliver durable high-end metal parts that are 100% matched to our clients´ needs and this is essential for our business.
The CNC Bending Machine has a variety of features which old technological methods can neither perform nor accomplish. It is incredibly flexible so we can use it for a very broad range of projects. Plus, the machine does its job very well, and we look forward to the best results at the end of each run. It allows us to create high-quality metal parts for our clients without having to avoid mistakes.
Another key feature is the ability of the machine to repeat the same bend many times and perform it in the exact same way. This repeatability is essential so we can manufacture metal components that are all just right and to spec. We can consistently be assured of the same exact results from our CNC Bending Machine whether we are producing one part or a hundred.
At STON, we always seek to improve and speed up our work. We are always striving to do better and we believe that our production processes can improve 과 함께. CNC Bending Machine is one notable example of this specific objective. We will ensure that our customers receive their orders as quick as possible with the help of the latest technology. We sought to give our clients a quick turnaround without compromising the quality of our work.
Another great thing about this machine is that it decreases our waste. The scrap rate is reduced in the *CNC Bending Machine, which saves the raw material. It makes our production process more efficient and, as a result, we can pass on the saving on to the customers, offering them better prices. So, the choice here is to be benefited with quality of work and lower prices at the same time, which is a better option that you can avail by working with STON.
Tout au long du processus de production, STON met en œuvre de multiples mesures de contrôle de la qualité, notamment des inspections des matériaux, des tests en cours de fabrication et des tests du produit final. STON s'assure que chaque pièce d'équipement répond aux normes de qualité internationales et passe des tests rigoureux avant la livraison. De plus, nous fournissons des solutions personnalisées aux exigences particulières de nos clients pour les aider à accroître l'efficacité de la production tout en réduisant les coûts d'exploitation.
En cas de problème, nos experts se rendront immédiatement sur place pour le résoudre à distance, par téléphone ou par vidéo. Nous serons sur place dès que possible lorsque le problème devra être réparé sur place.
STON croit fermement en l'investissement en R&D et se tient toujours au courant des dernières avancées technologiques du secteur. Nous disposons d'une équipe de R&D composée de plus de 20 personnes. Nous investissons chaque année 30 % de notre chiffre d'affaires dans le développement de nouveaux produits et dans la mise à niveau des produits existants. Grâce à notre collaboration avec des centres de recherche et des universités, nous continuons à étendre nos capacités technologiques afin de pouvoir répondre rapidement aux changements des conditions du marché ainsi qu'aux demandes des clients.
STON est une entreprise de machines CNC de classe mondiale et une entreprise de gestion certifiée. Elle a été la première entreprise au monde à recevoir la certification internationale ISO 9001-2000 pour les systèmes de gestion de la qualité. L'entreprise a également obtenu les titres de Shandong SRDI Enterprise et Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. L'entreprise est titulaire de plus de 100 brevets. Nos produits, soutenus par plus de 80 pays, sont reconnus pour leur précision, leur fiabilité et leur savoir-faire exceptionnel. Ils sont les normes du marché.